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I recall a party I was at recently, that included a large group of WoW players, including a couple who had met whilst playing said game. She was very unpleasant, fat, and not at all attractive. Yet the drunker she got, the more convinced she seemed to become that she was some sort of prize catch and that every guy there was trying to get into her pants. I recall the statement she made, about meeting her boyfriend playing WoW: "I know how hard it is to believe that a hotty like me plays WoW" at which point I started laughing so hard I nearly choked on my Bushmills.
I recall the statement she made, about meeting her boyfriend playing WoW: "I know how hard it is to believe that a hotty like me plays WoW" at which point I started laughing so hard I nearly choked on my Bushmills.


oh those zany woman gamers who think that it gives them some sort of special status...
I recall a party I was at recently, that included a large group of WoW players, including a couple who had met whilst playing said game. She was very unpleasant, fat, and not at all attractive. Yet the drunker she got, the more convinced she seemed to become that she was some sort of prize catch and that every guy there was trying to get into her pants. I recall the statement she made, about meeting her boyfriend playing WoW: "I know how hard it is to believe that a hotty like me plays WoW" at which point I started laughing so hard I nearly choked on my Bushmills.

It would seem with the assassination of the pro-western Paki prime minister yesterday that the whole middle east is goin to shit. Why anyone would want to have anything to do with that whole region is beyond me.
yep, that place sucks. Im all for turning it into a sheet of glass.

WoW has somehow taken up the old stigma that table top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons have proudly maintained for thirty years now, is what you're saying?
Lots of normal people play dnd, its not all dirty greasy people
Lots of normal people play dnd, its not all dirty greasy people

Actually true. Hell, I played it quite a bit even through grad school (in those scant few moments when I had time to do anything other than work, study, and drink myself retarded) but I still love the stereotype. My friends and I prided ourselves on being uber-geeky yet relatively capable in both socializing and the like.

And having played the old table top RPGs, I feel a certain necessity to make fun of WoW players who take themselves too seriously.
I did.
Company got me one.

The bad part is, that they now have the ability to do that stupid 2way radio thing to me. During my lunch... "Hey, bubble machine is broken!" "Fuck you I'm eating". So I'm pretty sure the only purpose of it is to annoy me while I am at the deli.

Oh well... its free.

I still hate it.
Also, I bought a ring tone. Its the chorus of Heaven and Hell. For 2.50, I was expecting the entire fucking song. OR atleast part of the solo.

Still, it is amusing me at the moment every time I get a call but I am sure I will get pissed off at some point and throw the expendable piece of Nokia 2waying piece of shit at a wall.
:lol: we have 2-way on our work phones but no one ever uses it

pretty sure we just call each other instead cause it costs the company more money and we all know they have way too much
Some Thoughts for 2008
Number 6

Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 5

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 4

Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and he won't bother you for weeks.

Number 3

Some people are like a Slinky . Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

Number 2

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

And The Number 1 Thought for 2008 :

We know exactly where one cow with mad cow disease is located among millions and millions of cows in America, but we haven't got a clue as to where millions of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of Immigration.
I recall a party I was at recently, that included a large group of WoW players, including a couple who had met whilst playing said game. She was very unpleasant, fat, and not at all attractive. Yet the drunker she got, the more convinced she seemed to become that she was some sort of prize catch and that every guy there was trying to get into her pants. I recall the statement she made, about meeting her boyfriend playing WoW: "I know how hard it is to believe that a hotty like me plays WoW" at which point I started laughing so hard I nearly choked on my Bushmills.

hehehehe..... That reminds me a of girl that goes to scool with me; named Liz,
who is *humungous* plus a beard, and she talks on and on about all her gamer friends online,
who, in their "gamers" community are all inlove with her, and tell her what
a hottie she is... she tells that DAILY at school, and I just stare at her
thinking: "how on earth did this girl get such a thick beard on her chin?"
As tarnished as its reputation may be due to hip-hop culture, I still love my Courvoisier