The (Un)official write anything you want page

fuck yeah. best game ever for nights with the fellas, smoking n drinking, is any of the Tekken series. Its hilarious how much into the game you can get, especialy when its Round 3 and both health meters are down to mere nothing and just a jab from either one will win the bout. That's when Im on my feet screaming LOUD and jumping around like a drunken fool.

I agree, but have you ever played Blitz while drinking and 'listening' to metal. Holy shit do our games get intense!

Actually, it's "boobs"

...speaking of which, anyone remember Mike's drunken rap song entitled Böb ?
hahaha yes. I loved it.
Fact: All vegan/vegetarian substitutes are fucking disgusting.

I had to watch a video about safe forklift operation today, as asked by some stupid fucking organization who actually keeps track of this, since there are no records of my forklift certification (mostly because I don't have one after 4 years of driving one for various jobs). This was the most boring video EVER. No goring. No Blood. No crashes. No sex. NOTHING.

So anyway, after the video I had to take 2 tests and fill out one survey. On one, every fucking answer was "TRUE". The other one every fucking answer was covered on the T/F test. And the survey was for people who had driven the prior to having registered certification. Basically it asked you what you were doing with it while uncertified (as to correct yourself), and at the end it has a list of Safety Regulations and other problems that may have occured I was supposed to mark which ones I have possibly done before... I looked at the list... (not exact wording).

"Driven with forks higher than 12"" CHECK
"Operated Forklift while standing on the side of the forklift" CHECK
"Carried items with 1 fork" CHECK (Every day!)
"Lifted personnel on forks without proper safety equipment" CHECK (Actually lifted myself up on a pallet once, using a telescoping handle to operate the controls)
"Driven in adverse weather conditions" CHECK (Thing hauls ass in the snow, and nothing like attempting a sharp pivot turn and spinning out a 6000lb square thing with wheels)
"Smoked while operating forklift" CHECK CHECK AND CHECK (Hell, I smoke while changing the propane tanks.)
"Lifted something over rated carrying capacity" CHECK (Do it all the time, feels like its gonna tilt forward and fling me)
"Have operated without seatbelt" CHECK (Have never worn it)

I had soon realized that the only thing I hadn't done, suprisingly enough was hit a person with it. So I just marked down like 2 things that were stupid and called it a day.

Tomorrow, a rep for someone (I think it may be OSHA) get to do a driving test on me. I'm not sure if I will be able to operate this thing safely, haha.
Yeah, I know that one. We had certified drivers at the plant and they still did all that shit!!! haha

so I dropped a mighty beer shit at work, you know its raunchy when you cry from your own brand. I was playing games on one of the nicer cellphones we have here while I was at it. :p

And yesterday, I went to take a piss, and some dude had left a carpet of curly hairs all around the goddamn toilet seat. How the fuck does that happen?
It would seem with the assassination of the pro-western Paki prime minister yesterday that the whole middle east is goin to shit. Why anyone would want to have anything to do with that whole region is beyond me.
and now it turns out that she died by hitting her head on the sunroof of her car (which i do daily) and not from any actual bullet or shrapnel
Guthrum, why are you proud you've never played it?

It's just one of those games you should never admit you play. Everytime I think of WoW I picture those fat nerdy guys, living in their parent's basement, talking about +4 belts and whatnot. You know, like that South Park episode. I REFUSE to be like that. :lol: