The (Un)official write anything you want page

When the light in your life has been extinguished
When your left in the cold

No one can understand you
Not even those who foretold.

Searching aimlessly for answers to the unspeakable truth
Pain is inevitable hidden in all of you.

You wanted to die, end your miserable life
Don't look to my eyes, dig your own grave and die.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
It is January 8th and it is 9:55 PM. It is 60 degrees outside in Columbus, OH. WTF?!?!? I really miss winter. I think it might be time to pack the family up and move back to the paradise-like oasis of Minnesota.

I keep thinking of moving back to Ohio for the housing prices but get scared of the winters. Then I hear this.
it was 62 today in NYC ... i remember last year at around the same time we had very similar weather ... its like some weird after new year wave.

we have yet to see any significant snow
It is January 8th and it is 9:55 PM. It is 60 degrees outside in Columbus, OH. WTF?!?!? I really miss winter. I think it might be time to pack the family up and move back to the paradise-like oasis of Minnesota.

It is 10:12pm in Minnesota and it is 25 degrees outside. I'd rather have the 60 degrees.

we have yet to see any significant snow

Even after 6 days above freezing, it still hasn't melted all of the snow up here. I guess another 2-3 inches of snow is due later this week.