The (Un)official write anything you want page

Well, that boredom of mine was temporarily relieved. I just went to get some snacks at the nearby Circle K and was stopped by two police officers on my way back. They turned on their lights, blocked the road, got out of their car and stopped me. One asked me questions and then asked for my Alien Registration Card while the other kept a flashlight on me. Oddly enough, the first question was "Russian?" I kept answering questions as he wrote down information from my card and my answers. Neither really spoke English so the questions were usually one or two words and were often a mixture of English and Japanese. Despite my answering "no, I don't understand" when they asked me if I could speak Japanese but obviously understanding and responding to most of their questions they asked in Japanese, the other one with the flashlight didn't get that I understood some at the least. He had a smirk on his face and said in Japanese "Of course. These English teachers these days don't speak any English." I think he even made fun of me for working at a conversation school and not being a part of the government JET program. I'm also fairly sure he said with a pissy tone that English teaching positions bring over too many foreigners.

After about 5 minutes or so of this they let me go. However, as they were leaving I asked them what this was about. The one who took down my information tried to tell me through his mixture of English and Japanese that recently there have been foreigners out late at night that have stayed past the date allowed by their visa. The other one, however, still with that damned smirk on his face said completely in Japanese to the other officer something along the lines of "Because you're a foreigner." He's an ass but what he so succinctly summed up there to the other officer is what I assume to be more likely true.
really? thats fucking awesome. good for them.

Yeah, well... they went basically without pay for a year or so when Microsoft was really struggling to get off the ground... Theres quite a few people like that, that still work there. Its great really, they showed some dedication and are richer than they could ever imagine. :D
Just got word we are no longer going on ships, our deployment has been bumped up more then a month, we leave on Feb. 1st now, straight flight to Afghanistan. Shit is hitting the fan boys.
Just got word we are no longer going on ships, our deployment has been bumped up more then a month, we leave on Feb. 1st now, straight flight to Afghanistan. Shit is hitting the fan boys.

1. wtf is going on down there?

2. you better get a lot of strange before you leave

3. thanks for kicking ass

(imagine Tully is THE one that finds Osama ... RC will be flooded)