The (Un)official write anything you want page

here is the message --

Hi Ken

If he comes through on the address we will sort him out, failing that he could contact Russ Smith at Blacktears distro, he's the main distributor from England! We are out of stock of Vol 1 though, but I'll get Lynn to get another pressing order off to Hilton Grove now Christmas is over!

Cheers Tel'
I've been thinking about going to one more country before I leave this half of the world. Hey Aussies, make a case for yours. A lot of people travel to Australia from Japan. That's partly because it's easy to get cheap flights, but other than that, I'm not sure why they're going. Unlike most people here, I don't travel for shopping and have little to no interest in "the nightlife". Right now my first choice is Vietnam but I've been thinking of Australia lately as it's been so cold here.

Aussieland is for the most part a sparse, dry land full of snakes and crocodiles. The major cities all have their benefits and drawbacks (as anywhere) but for the most part, I find it's the lifestyle and the people that makes the place great. Neither the shopping nor nightlife are particularly good reasons to visit Australia. For me it's all about the freedom to relax in a completely all-encompassing way, which is something that Australians tend to be best at. BBQ's, beers, babes, sun, surf and solidarity.

Of course I'm thinking about these things as romantic notions, but I'm not awfully convincing anyway, so seek out some more info if you're interested.
The Wizard actually opened up for Sodom(if it's the wizard im thinking of) and they where pretty bloody good i got into'em they real young atm(or maybe i'm just old..whatever),i found myself nodding my head to there take on doom, yes i remember really enjoying those guys!!

Groovy mate.

I live in Brissie and I got all my Pagan Altar stuff through the band (CD's) and Shadow Kingdom Records (LP's). I recommend both courses of actions.
Woods of Ypres - "Through Chaos and Solitude I Came…"
Through Chaos and Solitude I Came…

Ripping down the valley of asphalt
Through a brainstorm of snow and ice
Where dynamite blasted the Canadian Shield, I ride
Highways 17 and 69

I understand the relation
Of black metal and modern life
How a cold winter scene
Can inspire distortion and screams

I am equal parts blood and ice
I am just as much man as tree
Through chaos and solitude I came
To become this black metal being

Each day I could see the changes
Each day I became more extreme
I understood how the sight of nature
Could inspire the sound of machines

I’ve traveled over dynamic earth at night
On highways 17 and 69
For the beauty of nature can lift my spirits
Even in the dead of winter.

Modern life can drive us to scream for the trees…(in harmony)
For those of us who can’t find peace, at least we can have a release.

I understand the translation
Universal in human nature
A common expression and interpretation
Of Black Metal and modern life

Focused and strong
Without distraction, I look within
No one to talk me out of what I believe
Without reaction, I proceed.

I was on my own and alone to decide
Black metal was all that mattered, at the time
I found faith inspired by nature
And I was defined.

On this northern highway, under the starry sky
Mine was a cold, nocturnal, winter ride

And in the distance…
A stranger flashed his lights…
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah. Based on yesterday's dining experience, I HIGHLY recommend Ihop's chocolate chip pancakes :dopey:

Unless something's wrong with you and you don't like chocolate.
the pancake itself is made with chocolate batter, and with chocolate chips mixed in, and then topped with whipped cream and more chocolate chips! :kickass:
Hmm, I still prefer my pancakes to be more traditional. Plus, I don't much like sweet things in breakfast food. Also, do you put syrup on the chocolate? Because that would be downright :puke:
I don't think I've ever been to such a place. IHOP that is. I always imagined it to be where obese, poor people go for breakfast when they don't feel like McDonalds' fish fillet.