The (Un)official write anything you want page

The drug trafficking which occurs on skid row accounts for 20% of the drug activity in the L.A Metropolitan area. It appears as if gang members have become puppeteers, supplying the homeless with narcotics in which they push for a small kickback, while the gangsters sit back behind the hedges and reap all the rewards. The L.A.P.D is taking measures to curb such activity, but the bleeding heart social groups of the world are doing their damndest to prevent the police department from making their presence known. They claim that they are singling out the homeless, and uprooting them from their cardboard dwellings due to the downtown renovations which are revitalizing the area. I must say that out of all the cities that I have visited, the downtown sector of Los Angeles takes the cake as the Mecca of pit holes. If you were to give the U.S an enema, you would have to stick the hose right in between 5th & 6th St. Day after day, shelters have beds that lay empty, while drug addicted homeless waste prostitute themselves for another fix. They should all be rounded up and thrown in rehabilitation centers against their will. The L.A.P.D has a new program known as “streets or services”, which offers the option of jail time, or ninety days of rehabilitation to skid row “residents” who have been charged with a non-violent crime. Most of them opt for jail time. Those who do enter rehab quickly drop out, with the program only seeing a 1% 90 day completion rate.

My suggestion is to euthanize them all.
when i lived in providence i would get asked EVERY fucking day. not vets, but just bums in general. at first, cuz im a good dude, i would usually help em. but it grows very fucking tired after a while. especially when its the same persons.

I was the same, and then one time i had no cash, but I had a sandwich from school, and I offered it to the fucker and he went ballistic and threw the sandwich on the ground and stomped it.

I promptly have ever since refused to give money to any bum that doesn't perform in some way. There was one guy with a beat to shit saxophone playing, and he was pretty damn good. Gave him 5 bucks. Another time was a bum with an acoustic playing led zeppelin and pink floyd tunes. Being piss ass drunk, I made a request, he played really fucking great, and I gave him 20 bucks.

Earn yo cash bitches.

used to have a friend that back in the days whome if he felt like helping someone on the street, he went and bought them a sandwhich but would not give them money outright.

Yep. Otherwise they use it for drugs... Most of the homeless types you see on the trains here are really grateful for food, but I rarely carry any on me nowadays.

As for the earning lots of cash, as I once said, I knew a guy who played bagpipes in the main tourist part of victoria in summers. He made at worst $300 in a day, sometimes more than $1000. Every day.
I was the same, and then one time i had no cash, but I had a sandwich from school, and I offered it to the fucker and he went ballistic and threw the sandwich on the ground and stomped it.

I promptly have ever since refused to give money to any bum that doesn't perform in some way. There was one guy with a beat to shit saxophone playing, and he was pretty damn good. Gave him 5 bucks. Another time was a bum with an acoustic playing led zeppelin and pink floyd tunes. Being piss ass drunk, I made a request, he played really fucking great, and I gave him 20 bucks.

Earn yo cash bitches.

That's ridiculous about the dude smashing the sandwich. WTF?

As Demilich may remember, When we were @ DOBD in Baltimore, this bum came up to our group. I dont remember if he asked for anything but this chick we were with was being really mean to him and I started feeling kinda bad. Especially after I asked him why he was bleeding and he said that he was sleeping and some guys starting kicking him. Anyway, we were walking around like retards trying to find this chick's Jeep. So I asked him to help us find the thing, and he did. I dug into my pocket and gave him either 10 or 20 bucks..dont remember, I was trashed. So he starts crying and saying "Oh thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus" I was touched and felt good about myself. lol
What the fuck fuck these motherfucking stupid fucking officers and their stupid fucking fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCKTHEM WHO THE FUCK CHANGES THE DATE THEY ARE SENDING US TO WAR 4 FUCKING TIMES AND EVERY TIME HAVE IT NOT BE FUCKING DEFINITE FUCK FUCK THIS SHIT FUCK!

That's how it goes bro. My buddy was set to leave in Dec. As of write now, it's up in the air.

Frankly, I'm surprised that you're being deployed so soon.

It's normal deployment, we had an 8 month workup actually so it's 2 extra months over normal deployment times. We thought we where leaving tomorrow until about 2 hours ago. Ugh.
I once gave 18 bucks to a lady who was lounging on the sidewalk with her two tots. Bitch could've been a hippie instead of a transient, as when I passed her the cabbage, she didn't seem all that appreciative.