The (Un)official write anything you want page

Tully, you are my fucking hero :kickass:

On a side note ... I have been having dinner and booze with a Catholic Priest for almost 2 hours already and actually having a good time. He is in the next room in my womanz parents home ... he made me kiss a crucifix as he came to bless their home for a new year ritual and ended up hanging out.

confusion sets in ...
Get back to the kitchen.


I promptly have ever since refused to give money to any bum that doesn't perform in some way.


I once gave 18 bucks to a lady who was lounging on the sidewalk with her two tots. Bitch could've been a hippie instead of a transient, as when I passed her the cabbage, she didn't seem all that appreciative.

In Xi'an they send their little children after you to do the begging. I'm talking like 3-5 years old. I felt horrible not giving them anything but when I go to large areas I usually give every bum I see money for a while until I realize I'll go broke if I continue. When I went to Paris I gave so much fucking money in the few days I was there.

There was one bum on the Great Wall singing something even my tour guide couldn't comprehend because he seemed to be crazy or blitzed out of his mind. I gave him like 20 yuan and he suddenly sat straight up and said in English "Do you have anymore?"
Ah the wonders of the internet. Amazingly (or perhaps creepily) I was able to recently remember the name of the first girl I ever had a crush on. It was in the first grade and I was smitten. Anyway, I found this picture of what she looks like now.


Does anyone else here use the net to see what people they used to know are up to now or anything of the sort? I once found out my dad's callsign in the army was "Cowboy" by doing a search.