The (Un)official write anything you want page

or just be this guy


i thought that was Krigloch.
I'll be fighting with Canadians, among others. Direct quote from my Battalion Commander today, 'The Canadian Sniper teams, they are doing some good killing gents'. Your snipers have a reputation, and the longest range combat-shot in history.

Yeah, we've got some really kickass special forces. What we lack in size, we make up for by knowing what the fuck we'll do with it. In fact, we've always been there...

Battle of Ypres? Tried our best at the moronic plan of Dieppe, Korea, etc.

@THanatopsis.... now I have this image from Asterix where all the british stopped bashing the romans to drink hot water with milk... and so caesar fought the war exclusively during tea time. hahaha.... The taliban will fight only during nap time.
the job interview went well. the job seems nice. the hours SUCK. 6am - 7pm (or later), mon-fri, for the next 2-3 months at least. NO THANKS.
Thanks guys. And for future reference you ain't gonna offend me by being against my job or against the military or anything like. I like a good debate. Sometimes it is frustrating when I go home and I can tell people are just posturing and 'supporting the troops', I wish they could just have a good debate with me and be against what I stand for like they want to be, I can still be their friend! So, if you want to ask some questions you may have wanted to ask a Military-person but never had the opportunity or thought you would piss them the fuck off, ask me!

so about 20 minutes ago coming out of the grocery store some guy is behind me ... "scuse me mister, hello, mister" i turn around, he already has his Vet card out ... "I am a Vietnam vet" ... right away I told him sorry, good night ... not because he is a Vet, it was just I did not want to deal with him.

but it got me thinking right after ... as i get a lot of these Vietnam guys asking for handouts .... its been 40 years almost for God's sake, why are they still playing on those sympathies? I mean give me something after I was born.
Have you read his Feuer und Blut as well?

Nope I haven't. Only SoS so far, and I read the English version, pussy that I am. I have to grab the original sometime, though it is widely reported how accurately the translation conveys the depth and intensity of the writing. btw I agree 100% with whatever you said on the book and I just decided I've become your official oompa-loompa (as far as literature goes...)

so about 20 minutes ago coming out of the grocery store some guy is behind me ... "scuse me mister, hello, mister" i turn around, he already has his Vet card out ... "I am a Vietnam vet" ... right away I told him sorry, good night ... not because he is a Vet, it was just I did not want to deal with him.

but it got me thinking right after ... as i get a lot of these Vietnam guys asking for handouts .... its been 40 years almost for God's sake, why are they still playing on those sympathies? I mean give me something after I was born.

It's one thing to do something honourable (Wether fighting in 'nam is or isn't will not be dealt with in this post) and pride yourself on it, and it's something else to do the same thing and use it as a bat when begging for five decades.
yeah and a lot of them 'nam vets came home all fucked up, seriously injured, booed and spat on by their countrymen, and received no assistance from the very own gov't they risked their life for. I can feel for them but cant help every bum on the street.

when i lived in providence i would get asked EVERY fucking day. not vets, but just bums in general. at first, cuz im a good dude, i would usually help em. but it grows very fucking tired after a while. especially when its the same persons.

edit - also, the fucking bums in major cities probably make more money than I do per year. :lol:
yeah, there is one guy that hangs out at a light by a bridge near my office ... i gave him money once then i blew him off every time. now he just nods and keeps moving to the next car when he sees me.

used to have a friend that back in the days whome if he felt like helping someone on the street, he went and bought them a sandwhich but would not give them money outright.
My co-worker told me a story of when he was working the E.R a couple years back and he asked this homeless person who was a regular to take a hike. In response the homeless person told him, "I'm here to seek treatment bub, and I don't need to fill out any insurance form".

The transient then proceeded to whip out a fistful of 100 dollar bills.

I have a fucked up cousin who's hooked on drugs and can't make a proper decision for himself and will promptly fuck up any help offered or given to him.

That being said, he made close to (and sometimes in upwards of $100) pan-handling on the streets. Sometimes he would only make about $30 but often it'd be pushing triple digits.

I have a fucked up cousin who's hooked on drugs and can't make a proper decision for himself and will promptly fuck up any help offered or given to him.

That being said, he made close to (and sometimes in upwards of $100) pan-handling on the streets. Sometimes he would only make about $30 but often it'd be pushing triple digits.


yeah, addicts are very resourceful and make great salespeople