The (Un)official write anything you want page

Soapbox rant to my web site hosting company

if my domain name is less valuable to you and/or registrar [no names] because it doesn't generate ad revenue, then could you suggest a less ad-driven registrar?

So who are you talking to, your hosting company or registrar?
A domain registrar has nothing to do with anything on your website and the only hosting companies who stick advertising on sites are free ones. so why are you bitching?
:erk: Sorry about bitching here. Perhaps you don't understand. This couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. I'm working on a complete redesign of the whole site, which, so far, can be xHTML 1 STRICT (W3 validation) unless I fuck it up with databases 'n shit. That strict stuff wasn't clicking with me back in 2003 but now I think I'm more comfortable with it, except for the scripting stuff, which can be made clean but I'm still not there with it yet. Something about encoding those darn little ampersands in URLs, etc...

Anyway, the new site looks better (it's not dark, heh) and the coding is much cleaner. There are probs with the host/registrar thing atm though, so I'm bummin'. All I get is a bunch of crap double speak and deception from them. I'm betting they're not the only ones, though. This site has been my only experience with hosting companies. Once I got the current site up I spent more time adding updates than thinking about registration issues. Since it was all handled by the kind folks @ ...thanks for spilling the beans. Oh well.

Maybe I'll ask The Almighty Great Spirit to send Guido after you/them...or better yet, Raphael! :loco: :p
I learned recently that all Japanese people keep a little piece of their umbilical cord in a box in their homes. I thought that was going to be the strangest thing I learned that day. But some japs boil their umbilical cord piece later in life and eat it. They do this when they are very ill, thinking it will heal them. :guh:
=/ What are you, eight?

No, he is a man and a lot of men (and women) find big guns 'cool' for some reason, myself included.

Also, being able to interact with history in such a tangible manner is no small thing in my book. It is like a vintage wine, sure the taste improves with age but the fact you are drinking something from a certain era is part of the allure. Shooting a weapon that was used in the trenches of WWI, or a weapon that saw the sands of Iwo Jima, is an amazing thing to be able to experience. It is, in fact, 'fucking cool'.
No, he is a man and a lot of men (and women) find big guns 'cool' for some reason, myself included.

Also, being able to interact with history in such a tangible manner is no small thing in my book. It is like a vintage wine, sure the taste improves with age but the fact you are drinking something from a certain era is part of the allure. Shooting a weapon that was used in the trenches of WWI, or a weapon that saw the sands of Iwo Jima, is an amazing thing to be able to experience. It is, in fact, 'fucking cool'.

Aye :kickass:

Shooting was the only thing I liked about my short and miserable time in the swedish army -- I was actually rahter good at it if I may say so
I learned recently that all Japanese people keep a little piece of their umbilical cord in a box in their homes. I thought that was going to be the strangest thing I learned that day. But some japs boil their umbilical cord piece later in life and eat it. They do this when they are very ill, thinking it will heal them. :guh:

:lol: :lol: You need to write all this shit down and put it up in one big chunk someday.