The (Un)official write anything you want page

So a friend of mine died in a car crash last week... One of those people you know who were just gonna die in some manner of stupidity. His stupidity was driving way over the speed limit on an icy, poorly plowed, road.

Anyway, I was told the car (Which at one point was a chevy cobalt) slid off the road and hit a phone pole. What I wasn't told was the car looked like this:


Gotta give the man some credit, if you're gonna die in a car crash, make sure its one that completely obliterates the car.
I wish. I've been expecting pictures of his body all crushed up in the car for 5 days now and no one has delivered(I believe he would have wanted it this way, despite the offense taken when I mention this in IRL conversation), despite the amount of people who were around there at the time.
Actually, there was a passenger who is alive and somehow doing semi well. And by semi-well, I mean that dirty spic ( I say this lovingly) is in the hospital still. Back is all fucked up for the time being, but not really bad. One surgery they said and about 3 months of rest and it should be pretty good.

He doesn't remember the crash at all though, or the circumstances leading up to it.
Yep, thus why I personally never rode in the guys car. I knew he, and a lot of his passengers including said spic, were the type who loved to fuck around in vehicles.
Jeebus christ it's so damn slow at work tonight. I'm off in 10 minutes and in the 8 hrs I've been here I've done 2hrs of work. The other 6 hrs were spent calling my friend a homo, playing foosball, shating, staring at the iTunes visualizer, and pretty much doing nothing.
so the new QA boss has a thing for Incident Management teams, its his favourite. So he's starting to make his changes here with us.

To that end he's hired an external consultant who travels and works around the world and "tidies up" companies, and processes in these companies. So now I'm fucking terrified by the use of the word "tidy up/clean up". This makes me think, fire half the people, dump the extra workload on the peons and maybe hire a few students for 1 euro an hour as "Interns". :S
This forum went from drunken thrashing shenanigans to care-crew deluxe.

Old 'Royal Carnage': drunk metalheads jumping out windows.

New 'RC': wimps comforting each other on the lameness of their face when viewed from the side?!?!?!?!?!