The (Un)official write anything you want page

So, several people around town have been asking me if I am going to a concert tonight... I give them all the same response.

"You're asking me if I am going to see black dahlia murder w/ 3 inches of blood, hate eternal, and decrepit birth, correct? Well, let us analyze the bands playing.

Hate Eternal will come on stage and play one song. The catch is, they will play it 6 times and give it a different name each time. Do not be confused, it is the same song regardless of what they say.

Decrepit Birth will follow and will play their first track "A lot of blast beats with a down tuned guitar riff here and there", they will follow this song with their hit track "A lot more blast beats and 1 less guitar riff". They will then play 3 more songs followed by their infamous closer, "Holy shit we blast beat a lot". Again, this band will try to confuse you... there will be several members on stage looking like they're playing, but they're only for show.

3 inches of blood will storm the stage. The vocalist will sing in such an epic and metal manner that he will not hit one single relevant note the entire concert. That is his technique. The drummer will be so busy slaying orcs that he cannot keep up with the bassist, who cannot keep up with the lead guitarist whom is busy fighting a dragon on stage, with a giant axe. This will continue for 45 minutes till a phone call is recieved by the members telling them that a dragon has stormed a bridge in normandy and they must go to battle.

Black Dahlia Murder..."

"So are you coming or not?"

This forum went from drunken thrashing shenanigans to care-crew deluxe.

Old 'Royal Carnage': drunk metalheads jumping out windows.

New 'RC': wimps comforting each other on the lameness of their face when viewed from the side?!?!?!?!?!

Though I'm definitely part of the care crew: yeah, that was a new low.. :D

But sure, she's an insecure girl longing for confirmation and attention, so one shouldn't be too harsh -- but just ignoring it isn't impossible. But apart from the pic thread, which she has made her own basically, I don't mind her, she vitalizes the forum to some extent
Oh, I had that yesterevening


Potent shit!!! :kickass:
Haha. So, that interview I gave that showed up in a newspaper and pissed off my boss? Well, she said the only reason she wasn't more pissed off was because it was in a newspaper that not many people in the area read. Tonight, however, a student brought in the article for me (thinking I hadn't seen it before). This time though, it was from a different newspaper.
Haha. So, that interview I gave that showed up in a newspaper and pissed off my boss? Well, she said the only reason she wasn't more pissed off was because it was in a newspaper that not many people in the area read. Tonight, however, a student brought in the article for me (thinking I hadn't seen it before). This time though, it was from a different newspaper.
I never really understood 1) why your boss was mad at you 2) why you were stopped
I never really understood 1) why your boss was mad at you 2) why you were stopped

1) She's a crazy, bipolar bitch. Hell, the other day she asked me if I'd read an article about tests high school students take and when I said no, she almost started crying. A split second later, she was angry and accusing me of having no interest in Japanese culture, asking me to prove that I did.

Other than that, she thought I was being horribly negative by mentioning the inconvenience the police caused me once. I believe she thinks that current and prospective students would be upset upon seeing the article.

2) I'm white.

I probably would not have even mentioned the incident if it were an isolated thing. However, it's symptomatic of a much larger problem. Besides more general racism and discrimination, have I mentioned that they think the only people in Japan that commit crimes of any sort are foreigners? And because they can't tell apart the Korean and Chinese immigrants from their own population, they set their sights almost solely on white men. I even got a notice from my gas company the other day warning people of some stupid scam, where people say they are from the gas company and charge you to do a yearly maintenance check on your meter. Of course, the cartoon of the real gas company worker was a nice smiling Japanese man. The cartoon of the scam you can probably guess...a blond white guy with an evil grin.