The (Un)official write anything you want page

Went to a Bat Castle gig last night, took pics, and now pondering ways to help them out. I think I've basically become their PR person. Derick as well, actually. I mean, they're awesome, tons better than most of the other local bands that are drawing in crowds. They've got James from Vesperian Sorrow now, and he's just ridiculously good, so hopefully things will start turning up after they play a few more shows with him. They've got a really hot female keyboardist, but she rarely plays with them. Crowds would probably be bigger if she lent her boobs and other talents consistently.

Oh well...I just made a nifty media package thingy to send to the local extreme metal radio station here, with a newly mastered demo CD.

They used to bring in crowds when they had Matt from King Diamond on drums...but Brian and his crew are still just as good now :(



copyright infringement wins.
Holy shit Eric. Your drunken adventure stories always sound badass and fun as hell. One day I wish I could get really drunk and just follow you around and watch you own annoying pregnant women, throw up pickles, and do cocaine and hookers. :kickass:
Holy shit Eric. Your drunken adventure stories always sound badass and fun as hell. One day I wish I could get really drunk and just follow you around and watch you own annoying pregnant women, throw up pickles, and do cocaine and hookers. :kickass:

They're really not that fun... Since I always end up puking at some point.

And I'd never do Cocaine or a Hooker. Meth and a Prostitute on the other hand...
The apartment fire killed nine people and injured another 60, including Onur`s mother, who`s in the hospital.[/quote]

This is actually a huge deal. Turkey started screaming racism and demanding blood. The Turkish president managed to calm them down a bit, at least until the results of the investigation are done. That said, there was a previous arson tempt a few years ago on this same building.

Most people are pretty certain is was arson, especially with all the recent problems and focuses on the poor integration of foreign children. Recently a group of turkish teenagers beat an old man into a coma because he asked them not to smoke on the subway (there are rules against that). The followed him off the train and attacked him from behind.

The conservatives (think republicans) then ran in two of their provincial election campaigns with a hardcore "increase criminal penalties for youth and foreigners" plan. They lost % points, but it made it suddenly "an issue".

[quote="swizzlenuts, post: 6953498"]Sometimes I sit and think about how much I suck. :erk:[/quote]

I did that, what specifically have you done/not done? :p
Please read Matthew M. =]


Artist Cara De Angelis was born in Monroe, Connecticut, where she currently continues to work and live.

She recently received her B.F.A from the University of Hartford, where she graduated summa cum laude and was awarded the Rudolph Zallinger Painting Prize from the Hartford Art School.

The main subject matter of her work is the living human body. However, she has been known to dabble in rotting flesh including as of late, roadkill.


Collectively, my work subsists of bodies that create an immutable atmosphere through composition, light, expression and the condition I place them in.

It is engaging for me to see how a body’s shape can so easily create a deeper atmosphere than a landscape, or still life, to the point where the figure is often glorified to be something greater than it really is. A human body is a focal point. For me it is usually the most important aspect of a painting or a picture solely for the fact it is a body---living or dead. I am obsessed with the human body, clothed or otherwise, and the way I can use it to fundamentally create any emotion, mood, or idea I desire.

My work presents itself by spontaneous images that appear in my mind, that most often correlate with what I am feeling at that moment. It isn’t until after I see the image that I understand it’s meaning, symbolic or otherwise. It is then my function to try and duplicate the image in my mind onto a tangible, 2-dimensional surface in order to exhibit it for the rest of the bodies.

the hell are you going on about?

Art. Was it that hard for you to understand?

Thank you Matthew for helping me. :) It's much better now. I changed a few more things on my own and the last sentence doesn't blow anymore. I changed it to: "It is then my function to try and duplicate the image in my mind onto a two-dimensional surface in order to make it a tangible expression that others can then partake in."