The (Un)official write anything you want page

Have fun!

The real problem I have, is most terrorists will probably start using heavy encryption and TOR servers to make themselves anonymous and safe. I mean, they're not stupid people, so they'll likely brick up the back doors in the encryption algorithms (NSA has the keys) and then be fairly safe. By the time the NSA cracks the encryption they've driven a jalopy into grandma's house.
Is this forum now a sub-forum to the HellRide board? Somebody recommend some music with cajones!!! :dopey:

Enough of this Traditional Doom, Heavy Metal, European Power Metal, Psychedelic shat.
I've tried to buy Orodruin albums about 5 times now over the past year or longer, only to be foiled by the fact that, whenever I think of them, I'm ordering from a distro that does not carry their work, or is out of stock of the respective albums in question.

I've tried to buy Orodruin albums about 5 times now over the past year or longer, only to be foiled by the fact that, whenever I think of them, I'm ordering from a distro that does not carry their work, or is out of stock of the respective albums in question.


Check Psychedoomelich Records
when they arent ripe yet, they are pretty tart. when they are soft and RIPE, and you take a bite of that sweet heavneliness, and it drips down your chin...gawd. too bad theyre so small...i can eat 10 of them in one sitting without any effort.
I actually love fruit when it's just minutes away from being ripe. I love the tartness. I love avocados and mangos before they get too soft. I love plums and blueberries when they are sour...etc
Sometimes, only sometimes, I like bananas a little green. To me they kinda taste like the smell of freshly mowed lawn, and it's refreshing :loco:

Gearing up for another interview tomorrow! This will be my third interview on this jobhunt. I think this is the most interviews I've ever gone on when looking for a job. This one's at 24 Hour Fitness for a front desk position. Basically the same job I was doing at the little rec center in Maryland before I moved back here. I *loved* that job and only wished that I could have brought it here with me. This sort of job is the perfect balance of desk work and physical work.

The only thing is that I'm sure I'll be dealing with a lot more people at a place like this, as opposed to a little fitness center in a basement. Then again, in Maryland I was actually handling all issues regarding the entire Dept. of Recreation, and this would just be the fitness center portion.

And it's closeby! *stops rambling*
You know what fucking rules? The first four Vicious Rumors CD's. Bloody hell I can't believe I never realized how insanely good the old material is.

YES. First 5 you mean. Their most recent album "Warball" is fantastic as well. Grab any given chance to see them live, they have become one of my absolute favourite live bands after their show here last September with Agent Steel, one of the most METAL live shows i have ever seen.
Yea I've just been getting into Word of Mouth and it is awesome as well. I seriously cannot believe I never really checked them out before, they are ALL I have been listening to for the past week and a half. Carl Albert was such an amazing singer. I saw some video clips with James Rivera that sounded awesome as well, I'll have to check out the new CD.
Had my interview at the gym today. I got there a little early and just watched the process of working the desk. The interview went well and it seems just like my old job in Maryland, just more people like I expected. Only thing that kinda made me cringe was the pay. $6.50 + commission to start. The manager tried to assure me that everyone makes plenty of commission without even trying, just because the members buy a lot of equipment and supplements regardless...

So, I dunno. There's always a catch. But for the convenience and enjoyment that I'd get out of this job, I may just take the pay decrease.