The (Un)official write anything you want page

Why don't you look in to becoming a personal trainer? The money isn't too glamorous, but it's a position that comes with decent job security. Perfect side job when you move on to something more career oriented. :)

Hi Danny!!

So yeah, I've thought about this before, but apparently you have to get some kind of insurance...or something. Maybe that's only if you are self-employed, I dunno.

I'd like to look into physical therapy at some point.
Well, I'm not sitting by the moldy, wheelchair-bound gopher and his sidekick in my Drafting class anymore. No, instead I have to sit next to this fat old guy who scratches himself CONSTANTLY, mouth-breathes, and talks to himself every 10 seconds. At first, I thought he was sighing and talking to himself because he was trying to get my attention, so I would help him, but no, he just keeps on going. Every five minutes he'll stick his hands in his pockets and scratch away, or scratch his back fat. Then, every ten seconds he'll make this weird gasping noise, like he's running out of breath just sitting there. It kind of sounds like he's a dying fish. He LOVES to talk to himself, and keeps asking himself questions about why something on his drawing is wrong. He doesn't do it quietly either, it's pretty loud. I want to record his question and answer sessions. Today he tried out something new though, he would take a deep breath, put his hand over his mouth, and blow all of it into his hand. Long and drawn out blowing noises, with a little bit of rhythm thrown in for good measure. By the end of the class I wanted to call him out on at least his mouth-breathing, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The scratching thing disgusts me the most. Even if you're not looking at him, you can HEAR him scratching. I hope to god I don't get some disease from sitting near him.
that's only if you are self-employed

Members to these fitness joints waive the club's liability of injury upon enrollment. Plus, the silly shit these trainers ask of their clients is far from being physically strenuous.

Typical workout:

Ten sets of Box Steps
5lb flys on a swiss ball
A set of pushups and crunches

You'll spend the majority of the time giving them rah rah speeches and shilling supplements.
I'd need the whole study/exam kit, because I really know nothing about personal training.


Certified Personal Trainer PLUS
Third Edition​

Textbook, Study Guide, DVD, Exam + Live Workshop
Price: $679

that won't be happening for a while
Still, just the exam itself is $550. So it would be a few paychecks before I could even think about that. And I have to have CPR certification? I guess I can do that thru Red Cross but it fails to mention the cost.
Wait, your contempt is directed towards the old fuck?!?! This scuz bucket is exposing her paps and punani in public, while innocent children (off camera) play on a jungle gym. I'd wager that if this broad had more junk in the trunk, that you would approve of this old gent's hawk-like response.
Dude he kicked a woman. That's just fucked up. If he would have yelled at her, that's fine.

Is there some sort of story to this?

EDIT: don't get me wrong, I'm still laughing at the whole incident, just curious.
No really, what is the story behind that? I'm cornfused. I also Google'd "girl pissing kicked by old man" but came up empty.

Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope. Help me Obi-reign Acai-be, you're my only hope.
Dude he kicked a woman. That's just fucked up. If he would have yelled at her, that's fine.

Is there some sort of story to this?

EDIT: don't get me wrong, I'm still laughing at the whole incident, just curious.

The story is that she decided that it was a barrel of laughs to indecently expose herself in front of young'ens and old'ens at a local marketplace and received a papsmear from a size 13 loafer for her efforts. I couldn't give a fuck whetheryou're a chick or a dude, if you're doing something as idiotic as she was doing, you deserve a fucking dose of vigilante justice. If he scolded her, she would have simply laughed in the old man's wrinkled face. Good on him I say! :kickass:

I'm sick of the sociological anarchy that is running rampant in this degenerate society. :mad:
hahaha well okay. I just assumed it was at concert/fair/whatever and she didn't feel like pissing in a stall.

By the way, my neighbour's mom used to "indecently expose" herself to us all the time when we were young and it assured my lifelong pledge to heterosexuality at a very early age. Her son ended up gay from what I heard, but that's beside the point.