The (Un)official write anything you want page

O.K I poked you, now what?!?!


Dude, what the fuck?!?!?!


why does this remind me of waffle house?
Watching the live streaming Grateful Dead (Well, Other Ones... Lesh, Hart, and Weir, with some other people I don't recognize) set from the warfield... fucking great first set. Rumor mill has it theres 2 more sets to come!!!

Pulling a late nighter tonight, haha.
wtf Jerry?!

I found this joke fucking hilarious,

Yeah, so e^x and a constant function C were out walking. Then they see a derivative operator coming towards them. C says "Oh noes, I'll be derived and be gone for ever!" and runs away. e^x thinks "Nothing will happen to me, I'm e to the x!". So it walks up to the operator and says: "Hi, I'm e to the x!". The operator says "Hi, I'm d/dy".

Haha great, where there pics as well?

Oh, of course. Though I only saw a scan of the newspaper so what I saw was a pretty shitty quality. I don't know if I could really be identified too well from it (though it's not hard to narrow it down, seeing as there are so few white guys around these parts).

I was interviewed at that International Friendship thing by a prefectural newspaper reporter. I figured I'd show up in the newspaper because the reporter was obviously fishing for negative comments, which I knew would get me in trouble with my boss, if not others. And he surely wasn't going to be getting that from the other American guy who gave a speech in Japanese and I swear a large portion of it was "I love this town. The mountains are beautiful. The beach is beautiful. EVERYTHING is beautiful. I LOOOVE this town!" I felt I had to be at least somewhat a counterbalance to this schlub; although, I still lied through my teeth for the most part to avoid making any trouble for myself. However, he kept pressing for examples of inconviences I've experienced here and being stopped by the police recently just for being a foreigner was still fresh in my mind (and still pisses me off) so I mentioned it.

Racism is rampant here and never questioned by the Japanese. The only time it is questioned here is by the small portion of vocal foreigners it disadvantages so I felt the need to at least bring it to the attention of those in the area even if most will simply think of me as yet another whining American.

Well, my boss saw the article and started saying that I was too negative and that I said I hated this town etc. Yeah, I hate the town but I said nothing of the sort. When pressed, she admitted the article didn't say that but still gave me shit about the police bit. She's given me plently of lectures before on how I need to be more positive, which I've taken to heart. I'm generally so positive these days with students that I worry I'll spontaneously shit unicorns and shoot rainbows from my eyes.

It was only after all this that I mentioned it to a friend and she suggested that now the cops will actually target me, as surely, they aren't too happy about my comment. We'll see.

Edit: I guess I should make clear that the picture was of me at the International thing, not of me being questioned by the police.