The (Un)official write anything you want page

I was attempting to teach my computer to recognize my voice... things did not go so well:

"This is a major issue for king machines nadir named earl named coral Taha, no ha ha ha indeed talking douche that talks that are talks soccer cox's upper Noe talk talk talk talk call could set the width of people can think of her why would you walking recognize Mike Todd day of all the fat and placed all you just gave up set the width of people can you think of her why would you walk in and recognize Mike Cottle day of all the fat in place all you just gave all you talking peace and should talk sucker I flocking eight you don't die in a flocking fire saw get sage day no date J with T. Hassey and they said this was the news is that a lot in news is that a lot block you got damages parking or keep peace and she talks on condition that Falk and Peru and the officers at 700 this thing so locked and the offers tours at 700 distance so locked while this may have to sit and that could fifth th E and and you are a ee flocking usage is there are dim bulb lunar is the damn ball that if you walk it yet if you will use of shipped ship TI will ship union (the hassle."
All right now I'm going to try to make this thing recognize what the FA cup semi already it is flocking up 14 hours talking 14 of the legal policy are saying it's a legal aria like the way you think how far can nadir nadir says Ralph Nader that CSCE recognize Ralph nadir says program made by the 14 green party will.

The green party will win the election the eye of course if locking recognizes that if the green party's policies are topnotch yeah so anything you say about the green party will be recognized I suppose unless the green party will fail miserably as usual our rights to recognize that is indifferent or the green party but it recognizes anything said one involving the green party green party green party green party republican democrat of us hope it would recognize democrat as policy of the policy policy and policy closely policy policy policy closely known are closely pope C placebo what placebo that is correct the riots each of you fixed my up dictate a mistake to think you have finally if if we'll see what the focus a placebo of the tournament the company to a placebo info can placenta arrived yet as you can see this thing is failing quite miserably aside from when I'm talking about the green party and the in the indeed thank you.

Mike pianist is large team as team as unsettled teams comes out as a flock Falk for lack of C close at bond Olney is Don end
All right now I'm going to try to make this thing recognize what the FA cup semi already it is flocking up 14 hours talking 14 of the legal policy are saying it's a legal aria like the way you think how far can nadir nadir says Ralph Nader that CSCE recognize Ralph nadir says program made by the 14 green party will.

The green party will win the election the eye of course if locking recognizes that if the green party's policies are topnotch yeah so anything you say about the green party will be recognized I suppose unless the green party will fail miserably as usual our rights to recognize that is indifferent or the green party but it recognizes anything said one involving the green party green party green party green party republican democrat of us hope it would recognize democrat as policy of the policy policy and policy closely policy policy policy closely known are closely pope C placebo what placebo that is correct the riots each of you fixed my up dictate a mistake to think you have finally if if we'll see what the focus a placebo of the tournament the company to a placebo info can placenta arrived yet as you can see this thing is failing quite miserably aside from when I'm talking about the green party and the in the indeed thank you.

Mike pianist is large team as team as unsettled teams comes out as a flock Falk for lack of C close at bond Olney is Don end

I miss tripping like that :erk: Just about the booze these days.
My arteries choke at the mere sight of this...


hahahaha what the fuck.
My local Kroger's is now carrying Naked Juice for $1.99 a pop :kickass:
Rad. Even at twice the cost it is still worth it.
I saw some dirty hippie faggot in my philosophy class with a bottle of that along with some hippie chips that had some anti-war propaganda on the back. WTF is that shit anyway?
It's good motherfucking shit. Drink the hell out of it and be merry. Added bonus: it helps bring the poop.

Please tell me more about the anti-war salted snack you saw.
hahaha some geeks played that song at my high school talent show back in 92 or whatever and it was just as bad.