The (Un)official write anything you want page

Does this look like the face of someone who beats old ladies?


^ hahaha
awwwwww! Is that the Krig family?
God damnit. You know, at first I scared the shit out of these little jap kids. Now they're way too comfortable around me. They don't respect me in the slightest and it's becoming impossible to control them.

In somewhat related news, I was hit amazingly hard in the testicles by a little boy not long ago. We do this stupid fucking little saying and hand motion thing at the end of our kid classes. They also often like to line up in front of me before we do it, so they can be first to give me five as they leave. You can probably see where this is going. In a babies class (kids 2-6 years old) we did our little end of class ritual and when the time came to raise our hands above our heads...BAM, the kid lined up closest to me give the ol' twig and berries a solid fucking hit. I wouldn't have guessed a 5 year old could hit that hard. Suddenly I was on my knees, moaning and letting out a few "ohhhh fuck"s in front of the kids and their mothers.

I mean, I knew it was funny. I could picture myself doing the same little thing and as both my hands are raised above my head and I'm spouting the last little "Finished!" bit, I recieve an uppercut to my gonads from a 5 year old that just levels me. I didn't laugh, however, because I thought I might puke. I really wanted to hurt this kid though.

And on another related note, I punched a child in the face today. Sure, it was on accident, but when I saw the look in his eyes afterward, I knew I had two options. I could apologize and let him know it was an accident, or I could just stare at him, letting him think I did it on purpose. I chose the second option. For a brief time, I'd gained back some of that lost respect.
And on another related note, I punched a child in the face today. Sure, it was on accident, but when I saw the look in his eyes afterward, I knew I had two options. I could apologize and let him know it was an accident, or I could just stare at him, letting him think I did it on purpose. I chose the second option. For a brief time, I'd gained back some of that lost respect.

Speaking of that, I just remembered that the night I watched that Bat Pussy porn at a party, beforehand was one of those violent handjob things.

The chick twisted the dudes nuts about 1,080º (not a typo) and then some other fucked up shit. It looked like he died at one point, but then came back to have the beans above the frank as per request, apparently.
Im'f ufkcin ghosed and fucknig sht fuck fu ci ASTYE AYA !! !! ! !

Also I yelled at a stoplight tonight because the cunting thing wouldn't change to green. No I wasn't driviing but yest I strteresesed out my DD.

Watched the Worst. Porno. Ever. at a party tonight, it was like thyis old couple of combined age of 1111222134 adn they spent 454 minuter of boring forepy beforf BAT PUSSY showed up (no really, some gbrodad dressed up like Bat Girl and then came to the two of them dressed.. .. no.. . .... on a bouncy huge ball thing to tehem_) and they banged her for a spell and the dude said BAT BPUSSY!!! like 4 times and then a dilsdo shoewd up and she dsiiapred.

PRIR OS LBALLSLS!!!! <-- amazing
And on another related note, I punched a child in the face today. Sure, it was on accident, but when I saw the look in his eyes afterward, I knew I had two options. I could apologize and let him know it was an accident, or I could just stare at him, letting him think I did it on purpose. I chose the second option. For a brief time, I'd gained back some of that lost respect.

Do more of this.

German dude gets angry at some girl without reason in the U-Bahn, the rest is just :lol:

That totally blew his mind. :lol:

German dude gets angry at some girl without reason in the U-Bahn, the rest is just :lol:
I like how he turns around getting ready to kill someone, then notices Someone outweighs him but 50 pounds, haha.

wikiiwksidiwki said:
On April 21, 2001, Peter Buck was aboard a transatlantic flight from Seattle to London to play a concert at Trafalgar Square. Witnesses alleged that Buck exhibited various bizarre behaviors on the flight, including shoving a CD into a drinks trolley thinking it was a CD player, tearing up the "yellow card" warning notice handed to him by the flight crew, claiming "I am R.E.M." and being involved in a struggle over a yogurt pot with two stewards, which resulted in the exploding of the pot.Buck's actions led to two charges of common assault on the stewards, one charge of being drunk whilst on a plane, and one charge of damaging British Airways cutlery.

At the ensuing trial in London, Buck's defense claimed that the small amount of wine he had drunk had reacted adversely with the brand of sleeping pill he was taking and rendered him unable to control his actions. The prosecution, on the other hand, argued that he was simply intoxicated from supposedly consuming fifteen refills of wine. After the trial, which included testimony from Bono of the rock band U2, Buck was cleared on the grounds of non-insane automatism.
if you're lost you can look--and you will find me
time after time
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting
time after time