The (Un)official write anything you want page

I guess I owe 9000 pounds to the UK because I didn't fill out my taxes for 2004-2006. Then I owe another 100 pounds for late fees on not turning in my taxes.

From this I have to do loads of paper work to fix this. Fucking pisses me off.
Question for the musicians here who use their own music mixing programs, etc...

I've been trying to teach myself how to sing better for a few months now. Soon I want to 'record a track' so I can share it with someone, another musician, and see if they'd be interested in using my voice. I'd like to take a song, and take out the vocals and replace them with my own.

Or would it be more professional to record a track with just my voice?? Can I do that with those computer microphones? I can't go spending a lot of money on this. I am currently trying to save as much as I can to move out.

Basically, is there a program I can do that with, that is for the mixing inept like me? :erk:

Please help. =[
You can download Adobe Audition 1.5 for free if you know where to look, and I use that for anything I record and it comes out pretty well, considering. As for a microphone, I have a Shure SM58 that records everything better than I could have hoped for and it's only around $100. I'm not an expert, but this has worked extremely well for me.
Question for the musicians here who use their own music mixing programs, etc...

I've been trying to teach myself how to sing better for a few months now. Soon I want to 'record a track' so I can share it with someone, another musician, and see if they'd be interested in using my voice. I'd like to take a song, and take out the vocals and replace them with my own.

Or would it be more professional to record a track with just my voice?? Can I do that with those computer microphones? I can't go spending a lot of money on this. I am currently trying to save as much as I can to move out.

Basically, is there a program I can do that with, that is for the mixing inept like me? :erk:

Please help. =[


This may be what you're looking for you fucking cunt.

Record your own music, voice or other sounds, import and export lots of audio formats, including Windows PCM (WAV), MP3,
Ogg Vorbis, WMA 9 and AIFF, play it, mix it, edit audio files visually using Cut, Copy, Paste and apply more than 20 effects and filters, including: Cut, Paste, Move, Delete, Fadein/Out , Crossfade, Vibrato, Delay, Normalize, Fade, Flanger, Amplify, Invert, Insert Silence, and much more.
* Open, create, and save audio files in any of the supported formats (can also save any portion of a loaded file to disk as a new file);
* Display audio data waveform (Zoom Full, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Vertical);
* Record audio data from a microphone or any other available input device (You can record audio from DVD / VCD / CD Player, Tapes
and LPs, MP3 Player, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Web Page, Internet Conversation, Internet News, Internet Radio Station and more);
* Edit audio files visually (Cut, Copy, Delete Selection, Delete Silence, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix From File);
* Apply various effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Equalize, Fade In and Fade Out, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Phaser, Reverb, Reverse, Silence, Shrink, Stretch, Vibrato, etc.);
* Apply different filters to any selected portion of audio files (BandPass Filter, FFT Filter, HighPass Filter, HighShelf Filter,LowPass Filter, LowShelf Filter, Notch Filter);
* Convert audio file from one format to another;
* Use marker to locate the selected part or special part of the audio data;
* Add and edit extra information to your audio files (Album, Artist, Comments, Copyright, Genre, Title, Year).
The following audio formats are supported:
* Uncompressed WAV (PCM);
* Compressed WAV (ADPCM, A-LAW, U-LAW, DSP, GSM and others).
* MP3 (MPEG Layer-3), MP2(MPEG Layer-2);
* Ogg (Ogg Vorbis)?
* WMA (Windows Media Audio)?
* CDA (Audio CD Tracks)?
* AVI (Audio Stream).
* AIFF (Apple).
* AU (UNIX).
* G.721, G.723, G.726.
* VOX (Dialogic ADPCM).
* RAW.
* MPC (MusicPack).
I am an awesome teacher, example #526,745:

Sometimes I stop in the middle of a class to satisfy some curiousity. In one class this week I started to wonder if Japanese husbands/fathers walk around their house with only their underwear on as was the case when I was a child. I asked this because one student mentioned in passing that her mother takes off her pants in the living room and I have to admit I was quite surprised. I can hardly imagine some middle aged, Japanese housewife doing such a thing.

And if you're wondering, yes they do, and not only that, the hot MILF in that class (the one that gets the breast massages) walks around her kitchen in the buff after taking baths.

Tonight in a different class I noticed one student slyly sniffing herself. She smelled her scarf, her shirt, and her hands and she looked confused as hell. I was so damned curious I had to stop what we were doing to ask what the hell she was doing. She said she thought she smelled the ocean and wanted to continue the lesson. I wasn't having any of that. I picked up my copy of our lesson, put it aside, and continued to ask questions to get to the bottom of this.

Oh, and she finally figured it was seaweed, even though she'd only had seaweed in one thing today, which she didn't eat with her hands. And the smell was coming from between her fingers, on only one hand.

And she left me with one thing that's really got me curious. She has a turtle but she would not tell us it's name because it's something embarrassing. It's name has something to do with an elbow, something from a nuclear powerplant, and an orifice. Those are the clues she gave us but even the engineer in the class couldn't figure it out.
And she left me with one thing that's really got me curious. She has a turtle but she would not tell us it's name because it's something embarrassing. It's name has something to do with an elbow, something from a nuclear powerplant, and an orifice. Those are the clues she gave us but even the engineer in the class couldn't figure it out.

I've been searching since my HD crash for an album by the name of Iconoclast by Shogun. If any of you can locate a torrent, or whatever for this, I'll seriously be indebted to you for eternity. :cry: This shit is impossible to find. :cry::cry::cry:
To make a more proper post... Shogun is a "mathcore" band from Boulder, CO. that I fell for a number of years ago while still in high school. They disbanded a number of years ago and only had one proper release. I don't decorate albums with fanciful and pretentious reviews so here:

I actually purchased this album via digital download. I tried ordering from their label who supposedly still had some copies but I never received it. Despite a number of emails, I was stiffed. Before you waste your efforts by just merely sampling a few tracks, you should consider listening to it in its entirety. It has its fair share of typical hardcore moments but offers much more. With an almost sarcastic approach to technicality they really accomplished something. If you must listen to only one or two I suggest "We Other Victorians" and "Perth Epic" Enjoy. I guarantee most of you will hate this though.

Note: I've uploaded tracks before but not the full release. I remember a few of you saying how terrible it was, awesome. For those of you who haven't heard it, give it a chance.
I just got my wisdom teeth pulled and I'm still a bit on the drugged side. I really don't remember anything that happened, but they told me that while waiting for the doctor to give an update on the surgery and say goodbye, I turned to my mom and said, " you hear them? They're rolling around." After a while I wanted to call my friend Chris, but my cell phone was in the car, so I put my hand to my head and acted like I was calling him, then I took off my shoe and started talking to it like it was a phone as well. After that, I started saying "I'm Old Greg! Do ya love me?" and sang "Are you playing your love games with me?" When my mom looked at me like I was possessed, I looked at her and said, "He's half-man, half-fish...MANGINA!!" When the doctor finally came in I remember saying "Listen here, I'm going to tell you a story..." and I think I told him a story about how my mom left me in a graveyard at night when I was little. When we got in the car and I finally called Chris, I remember saying something about how I punched the doctor in the head, and when I got off the phone with him, I asked my mom if I had really hit the doctor. Then I guess I started calling everyone. I called my dad and when he picked up I said, "Hello? Who is this?" He said that he was my dad, to which I apparently said "I have no dad" and started to ask if he could speak to my mom. I think I even called a few ex-gf's, but I have no idea. I called our house too and left a message, but it was in complete gibbersh. There might have been something about shake and bake at the end though. I probably won't even remember posting this. :lol: