The (Un)official write anything you want page

Wouldn't be the first time Jerry (atleast I think it was Jerry) informed someone of our fuckery via myspace... what the hell was that awful band again?
Unless the guy was constantly signed into myspace all night, and then just refreshed and saw the message today... because it would not count that as a sign in.

I've tested this!
Sometimes if I login to myspace, passout, and refresh 12 hours later when I've woken up in a puddle of puke, it doesn't show me as online now.

Of course, an alternative is that he has that option turned off, then it would never show it.
That happens in every highschool. Three girls I was friends with in high school are now "models". =/

Yep. I know of at least one. A very reserved, blonde, pale skinned girl. Who now has huge boobs, orange skin, and is far too outgoing.

My old lady coworkers keep telling me I need to be a model. Not the Hooters calendar type, but the other type. *shrugs*
Oh and Happy (real) St. Patrick's Day! Changing it to Saturday the 15th was such a farce :loco:

I saw nor heard no one celebrating on Saturday. Green was in full force today though :kickass:
