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if one in a relationship cheats is it forgivable? are there any chances that they are actually remorseful? :erk:
if one in a relationship cheats is it forgivable? are there any chances that they are actually remorseful? :erk:

First off, if this is from current personal experience, I'm sorry dude. Not much can be as painful if the other is loved.

Second off, there is no clear cut answer to the question. It all depends on her, you, and the relationship that you both have, as well as the circumstances. More often than not, it doesnt work out...but that doesnt mean it isnt worth working through if it seems worthy. Also, you are still really young.

Like I said, it's a tough situation. :erk:
Acie :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think there is a high chance of the cheater being remorseful, but that doesn't make it alright. I don't know that I would be able to forgive, it would just depend on a number of things. You just have to decide whether she is worth working it out. Just don't decide anything too quickly, give it time.
Fucking hell... its nearly April and theres about 3 inches of snow down in the last couple hours, with another 5-10 expected. Snow usually stops around here late feb/early mar.

Gotta love that Global Warming.