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Btw, any of you jerks go to private school? Anyone go to both? What was the difference?

I've never been to a private school but when I was in junior high I did go from one of the worst schools in the country to one of the best. Or so these schools were somehow ranked by god knows what set of standards. I was even told when I went to the new school that "move-ins" always have a hard time and coming from the school I did, I was sure to have quite a hard time of things. What bullshit.

I'm just saying that a school's reputation has little to do with the actual education it provides.
Or so these schools were somehow ranked by god knows what set of standards.....I'm just saying that a school's reputation has little to do with the actual education it provides.

My thoughts exactly. My belief is that this private school thing is a bunch of bullshit but it's the association that matters. Supposedly, you go to these good private schools and you get into good colleges just by having the name on your application. Supposedly, good colleges get you good jobs and we all know this isn't true.
I don't know enough about this. I just don't want Anders to go to some school were all the kids are dumb hoodlum offspring of older dumb hoodlums - like where I went to school. It sucks being in fear of a bully attack on your way to school.
My thoughts exactly. My belief is that this private school thing is a bunch of bullshit but it's the association that matters. Supposedly, you go to these good private schools and you get into good colleges just by having the name on your application. Supposedly, good colleges get you good jobs and we all know this isn't true.

Its not what you know, its who you know. If you make it to one of these schools the CONNECTIONS get you places. Same with the colleges and the right courses, I do believe.

I don't know enough about this. I just don't want Anders to go to some school were all the kids are dumb hoodlum offspring of older dumb hoodlums - like where I went to school. It sucks being in fear of a bully attack on your way to school.

I can relate to this, it sucks. Worse being being afraid of a bully attack at school. (like mine). Good luck finding a decent school sir.
Especially when half the time, these scores are based on graduation rates, and any school can fudge the books. :p

Yeah, no one has given me a legitimate reason to go to private school here but it's just "accepted" that you do so, or else you'll be going to GAH! public school. That's the cultural phenomena I'm becoming aware of here. This doesnt exist in Ohio as far as I know. Going to private school here gets you a different set of friends, a better job, a better network.
Basically, it seems to promote a class society, which I'm becoming well aware of by being priced out of all these schools and neighborhoods because I refuse to send my children to day care so the wife can work full-time.
Its not what you know, its who you know. If you make it to one of these schools the CONNECTIONS get you places. Same with the colleges and the right courses, I do believe.

I can relate to this, it sucks. Worse being being afraid of a bully attack at school. (like mine). Good luck finding a decent school sir.

Yes and yes.
In an awesome twist of fate, my personal tormentor died in a firey car crash shortly after high school. May he burn in hell.
That's the cultural phenomena I'm becoming aware of here. This doesnt exist in Ohio as far as I know.

I'd never heard of such a thing in any of the places I've lived. Though I think it may be becoming more prevalent these days in Arkansas. Sadly, with the current population explosion in Arkansas, we've lost our humble mindset and are no longer embarrassed by wealth. These days, people like to show off and one of those ways is with what schools they send their bastards to.

Where are you currently, dorian?
Yes and yes.
In an awesome twist of fate, my personal tormentor died in a firey car crash shortly after high school. May he burn in hell.

I ran into mine one time after highschool with an equal number of friends (instead of 8 on 1) and pounded him flat. I also found out 2 years after that he's a crack addict, has syphillis and knocked up the ugliest chick in town.

Revenge is a sweet thing.

I'd never heard of such a thing in any of the places I've lived. These days, people like to show off and one of those ways is with what schools they send their bastards to.

Shit, its been like that everywhere I've been or heard of. A "THEM and US" culture. AKA: Rich/poor.
Where are you currently, dorian?
Nashville proper.
Yeah, it's a Southern thing to flaunt your wealth. In the North and especially the Northeast, wealth is generally understated and reserved. My wife went to one of the most expensive Universities in the country and she said it was populated by rich Northeasterners that seemed to be ashamed of their wealth.
Nashville proper.
Yeah, it's a Southern thing to flaunt your wealth. In the North and especially the Northeast, wealth is generally understated and reserved. My wife went to one of the most expensive Universities in the country and she said it was populated by rich Northeasterners that seemed to be ashamed of their wealth.

Hmmm.... Maybe it's just my area of Arkansas then. I was thinking it was all the Northerners coming down bringing this attitude with them but maybe it's just other Southerners encroaching on my area. It's probably those motherfuckers from Texarkana.