The (Un)official write anything you want page

knuckle up is kinda like... tough it out/get ready for something tough (as I know the saying).

Shoot ones mouth is to mouth off.

I'm practiced at this, I've got a tab for free beers going at work for English help for my german colleagues.
I really managed to fuck my knee up something good today...

Was on a scissor lift changing light bulbs, scooting around, and the battery went dead. So of course, I ask for someone to plug me into a jack or to press the manual lower button, an option which is oddly only available at ground level thanks to the wonderful japanese men at Yamaha circa 1990. Of course the only answers I got were "No comprende!", so after 5 minutes of trying to explain this, I got pissed and started climbing down the lift.

I made it all the way down to the base of the lift just fine, but what I was not expecting was a fluid leaking onto the foot step at the base of the lift. I slipped backwards and my knee whacked the indent that is meant to only have feet placed on it, you know, for grip so you don't fall backwards and whack your knee.

Thing was swelling pretty good earlier, though that calmed down with some ice. Now it just gives a wonderful nice sharp pain whenever I walk.

Gonna give it a day or so, if it gets worse I'll head down to the ol doc so he can tell me how much damage I did to it... if it gets better I'm just gonna walk the rest of it off.
I worked a 12ish hour shift yesterday an was totally drained afterwards. Goin' back into work in 45 minutes and I expect more of the same bullshite as yesterday.

A beer is surely needed immediately after I get out of work today.
I saw two students while shopping today so I went to say hi. They were so freaked out that I thought "Holy shit, do they just LOOK like my students? Am I wrong?" And as I was walking away their mother came back over to them, gave me a fucked up look, and said to them "Do you know him?" I'm now totally unsure if those were my students or not. I bolted before I got arrested.
I just got a promotion. I'm also bailing out my super cool boss. so, he's going to get me a "spot award"... which I think is a recognition and some cash thing. After 3 months if it works out for all involved, I should get a pay increase, it also bumps me from the "bottom wrung trained monkey" 3 notches to coordinator.

I'm fucking stoked.... and nervous as hell, I might shit my pants. :p I gotta party it up tonight! METAL AND BEER!!!!!

edit: I also may end up having to travel to LA... (drink with NAD).
So, I apparently have a slightly dislocated knee... but it set itself back into place somehow? I don't get it, but they gave crutches and loratab, of which I've only used the latter so far :lol:
I saw two students while shopping today so I went to say hi. They were so freaked out that I thought "Holy shit, do they just LOOK like my students? Am I wrong?" And as I was walking away their mother came back over to them, gave me a fucked up look, and said to them "Do you know him?" I'm now totally unsure if those were my students or not. I bolted before I got arrested.

I would probably have done the exact same thing.