The (Un)official write anything you want page

Guess I'll just have to get one of these:

They can keep the damn Lexus, though.

a 2 year lease on one ... imagine all the residents driving a Lexus ... how fucken stupid is that? and different models depending on what floor you live. wtf?

do marketing people think buyers are that stupid? or are buyers THAT stupid to fall for this? surely you can just negotiate to deduct that $12K max value of this offer from your puchase price if you so desire.

that must be the biggest building in the entire lower half of the US ... well maybe the Stratosphere in Vegas is taller.
a 2 year lease on one ... imagine all the residents driving a Lexus ... how fucken stupid is that? and different models depending on what floor you live. wtf?

do marketing people think buyers are that stupid? or are buyers THAT stupid to fall for this? surely you can just negotiate to deduct that $12K max value of this offer from your puchase price if you so desire.

that must be the biggest building in the entire lower half of the US ... well maybe the Stratosphere in Vegas is taller.

:lol::lol: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Wow, a lease? Thanks! Bizarre marketing ploy.
And yeah, it will be the tallest building in the US, oustide of Chicago (which would be Sears Tower or John Hancock, depending on what you measure).
we'll catch up to you fuckers in a decade or more when the new "zero tenant" WTC will be finished.

Nashville, The Dubai of the South ...
What is sad though is that is possibly the coolest idea, and piece of architecture built in the entire US for a long time. I mean seiously, what cool shit have we built in this country in the last 20 years? Besides mega casinos in Vegas?
I mean seiously, what cool shit have we built in this country in the last 20 years? Besides mega casinos in Vegas?

This giant jesus statue?



Doesn't matter what you believe in, that motherfucking statue is AWESOME. It looks as if its calling out to the skies to reign terror on EVERYONE (Or "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!"). :kickass:
This giant jesus statue?



Doesn't matter what you believe in, that motherfucking statue is AWESOME. It looks as if its calling out to the skies to reign terror on EVERYONE (Or "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!"). :kickass:

OMFG! This is in Ohio on I-75 between Cinci and Dayton. I never saw it while I lived there but when I was returning for a visit, I almost crashed the car doing 70 - it's that distracting.

Sony BMG is no stranger to piracy. As one of the most vocal supporters of the RIAA and IFPI antipiracy efforts, the company has some experience hunting down and punishing consumers who don't pay for its products. The company is getting some experience on the other side of the table, however, now that it's being sued for software piracy.

PointDev, a French software company that makes Windows administration tools, received a call from a Sony BMG IT employee for support. After Sony BMG supplied a pirated license code for Ideal Migration, one of PointDev's products, the software maker was able to mandate a seizure of Sony BMG's assets. The subsequent raid revealed that software was illegally installed on four of Sony BMG's servers. The Business Software Alliance, however, believes that up to 47 percent of the software installed on Sony BMG's computers could be pirated.

These are some pretty serious—not to mention ironic—allegations against a company that's gone so far as to install malware on consumers' computers in the name of preventing piracy.

Sinking pirates can pay (BSA) While PointDev is claiming €300,000 (over $475,000) in damages in its suit against Sony BMG, Agustoni Paul-Henry, PointDev's CEO, says (from a Google translation of a French report) that this is more about principle than money: "We are forced to watch every week if key software pirates are not [sic] on the Internet. We are a small company of six employees. Instead of trying to protect us, we could spend this time to develop ourselves."

Paul-Henry thinks Sony BMG's piracy of PointDev's products is the fault of more than just a single employee (again, translated): "I think piracy is linked to the policy of a company. If the employee has the necessary funding to buy the software he needs, he will. If this is not the case, he will find alternative ways, as the work must be done in one way or another."

Certainly, one wonders what led to Sony BMG to steal PointDev's product in the first place. It's a safe bet that the company can afford to pay for the necessary licenses, which leaves sheer laziness as the most likely culprit. In any event, it's absolutely inexcusable for a company that has been at the forefront of the antipiracy fight, going so far as to surreptitiously install rootkits on its customers' PCs.

A few things I learned while getting plastered with my boss last night:

Naroc = cheers in romanian (he knows this because his wife is from Transylvania) Unless I got screwed over. :p
B'52s taste good, burn well and when you knock over a burning one the flame spreads and is really kinda funny.
Tequila Slammers are mean
Champagne tastes good

The downside is, I got home at 3:30, so I'm dead tired and a bit dizzy today.
Naroc = cheers in romanian (he knows this because his wife is from Transylvania) Unless I got screwed over.

It's NOROC (which literally means LUCK) ... from another fellow Transylvanian :loco:
What kind of bed do you guys have? My current bed sucks so badly I wake up with a twisted back every morning. I was thinking of getting a Tempurpedic. Anyone have experience with them shitz?
i have a custom Sealy Matress that was made for the Four Seasons Hotels (used to work there) ... still kicking (and seen) much ass since 2001.
Yeah, I have a Sealy also. Apparently it was refurbished in some fashion and that wasn't explained to us (which is illegal). It's going back to the shop this weekend.