The (Un)official write anything you want page

Cara, you have got to be kidding me? Even, black dogs are getting their own special day in this country. Fuck Rosa Parks, I'm going to go adopt a white dog right now! :erk:

Yep. He's black alright.

Well, apparently black dogs are the least adopted. It was weird, I was sitting in the car for a few minutes waiting for the pound to open, and they just happened to talk about that on the radio haha. Wouldn't have affected my decision though, I had a feeling all along that I might walk out with one of the black lab puppies.
Labradors are the best dogs EVER. Very smart. Every time I taught my lab a new trick, it took her less than 5 minutes to learn it and get it right.
speaking of lol...

This is the first lab I've owned, but from what I've heard and read, they are very easy to raise. Of course, right now this little guy is in his terrible puppy stage and wants to chew on everything. But, seeing how good he is on his leash already, I don't think we're going to have any problems with behavior.

He loves the cats, but they don't love him :loco:
Yeah, the only problem you'll have with a lab is that they'll want to eat EVERYTHING. Keep all towels, spoons, cups, etc... away from the counters edge and anything else you think it might get. Eventually you'll be the master at fixing it to where he can't get anything. If it's going to be outside, you just have to worry about digging holes everywhere and possibly under the fence, eating rocks, and any bug, insect, or spider it finds. It's a lot easier than it sounds though.
Yeah he's already been trying to dig up all the grass around the back porch, and then eating the grass. The plan for now is to crate-train, then when he's a little bigger he's going in one of those huge chain-link kennels in the back yard (when no one's around to watch him). We'll try to secure the back yard up as good as we can, then when he's full-grown and trained he'll have free run of the back yard.

Right now he's passed out in my parents' bed. :lol:
Hahaha. Mine just sleeps in a crate beside my bed at night and then she roams the house during the day. Whenever she gets bored she just goes upstairs and watches out the window facing the street. I don't really have to watch her anymore, which is AWESOME. The first 6 months sucked ass, 'cause I had to take care of her by myself, but it was worth it I guess.
Did you have trouble with yours wanting to chew on electrical cords? That's one type of thing that's going to be almost impossible to get out of puppy's sight.
We have a lot of electrical cords around near the back of the entertainment center and up here in the game room, but we never had a problem with it. I would just say "EH" like a buzzer sound and move it out of the way, or her out of the way. She learned after about a week not to mess with them. Each dog is different though.
Pigs are smarter than dogs, btw. Dogs seem dumb to me. So they can follow simple commands*. Big deal.

*with endless amounts of training and rewards
Today was my last day of work here.

I'm free. I'm finally free!

(To be honest, I imagined I'd be feeling a lot better when this finally came around. I can't, however, really pinpoint the reason for this unexpected turn of events.)
nice ... congrats!

do you get your pick'ns from a lineup of geisha girls as a farewell bonus?

where to next?
They also win games by scoring while offsides a la game one.

LOL when Tootoo sent Chelios to the locker room, btw