The (Un)official write anything you want page

Just buy a brand new one like Zod does.

Ill never have a car payment. Fuck that noise.

Spent $450 on my car yesterday due to a blinking check engine light. Code came up as Cylinde 1 & 2 misfire. Gave a complete tune up, and still doing the same thing, uincluding the fucked up fume smell that seems to be coming from my catalytic converter, which if that goes is even more $. Now, gotta go to last resort, the actual Honda dealership to be raped more and spend prob $1000 more. I should have just taken $450 out of my bank account and fucking burned it. Im gonna be spending like $2000 in 3 days.

Please remind me that it;s just money. Somebody.
Sometimes catalytic converters are covered under a 10 year warranty because they are emissions control devices. Check on that shit. Seatbelts are too, btw. I needed both fixed recently and I was like, "FFFUUUUCK MMMMEEE!" and they were like, "It'll be free because they're covered under a really long warranty" and then I was like, "ok."
I will send $1 via paypal to anyone who makes a complete guitar tab for "Cunoaşterea Tăcută" by Negura Bunget for me. Seriously. I'd do it, but I'm mildly incompetent and quite lazy.
Ill never have a car payment. Fuck that noise.

Spent $450 on my car yesterday due to a blinking check engine light. Code came up as Cylinde 1 & 2 misfire. Gave a complete tune up, and still doing the same thing, uincluding the fucked up fume smell that seems to be coming from my catalytic converter, which if that goes is even more $. Now, gotta go to last resort, the actual Honda dealership to be raped more and spend prob $1000 more. I should have just taken $450 out of my bank account and fucking burned it. Im gonna be spending like $2000 in 3 days.

Please remind me that it;s just money. Somebody.

so $200-$300 a month for something new and reliable that will never leave you stranded is worse than forking oer $2K at once for trivial problems on a 12 year old car?

I subscribed to that mentality, until I added up all the repair reciepts for the used cars I was buying ... did not make much sense.

Worst thing with a used car, ... you pay lets say $3-$4K for it ... runs fine, then a repair comes. Let's say $300 ... ok. I can handle that. Than in a few months another one. Maybe $600 this time ... again do it.

And slowly because you begin to pump so much into it, you feel bad getting rid of it. Now that big problem comes, maybe a tranny worth $1.5K ... fix it or not fix it? You dumped so much into the car already ...

But a year or 2 passed and your car is not worth anyhting now ... so dumping $1.5K into it is not worth it ... but if you don't, you have to junk it. Dilemmas.

Not to mention all these things always happen when you least expect it financially.

So ... put a small d/p on a new car. Pay $200-$300 /month and live headache free. Trust me .. if you keep either one for 2-3 years ... you will come out even. Except on the new one you make painless small monthly payments not big chunks for repair ... plus you drive something new and shiny.
so $200-$300 a month for something new and reliable that will never leave you stranded is worse than forking oer $2K at once for trivial problems on a 12 year old car?

I subscribed to that mentality, until I added up all the repair reciepts for the used cars I was buying ... did not make much sense.

Worst thing with a used car, ... you pay lets say $3-$4K for it ... runs fine, then a repair comes. Let's say $300 ... ok. I can handle that. Than in a few months another one. Maybe $600 this time ... again do it.

And slowly because you begin to pump so much into it, you feel bad getting rid of it. Now that big problem comes, maybe a tranny worth $1.5K ... fix it or not fix it? You dumped so much into the car already ...

But a year or 2 passed and your car is not worth anyhting now ... so dumping $1.5K into it is not worth it ... but if you don't, you have to junk it. Dilemmas.

Not to mention all these things always happen when you least expect it financially.

So ... put a small d/p on a new car. Pay $200-$300 /month and live headache free. Trust me .. if you keep either one for 2-3 years ... you will come out even. Except on the new one you make painless small monthly payments not big chunks for repair ... plus you drive something new and shiny.

I paid 4,300 for a 96 civic over 4 years ago. Total repairs (maintenance) to date 1,700 dollars. Insurance $700 a YEAR

Average Car Payment $350, where the fuck you draw up $200 a month is beyond me. Even at $350 I'm low balling it, as I know many a person who is spending $600-$700 a month to drive around this favela with their heads hung high. Fucking Spics!!! I digress, $350 X 48 months + Full Coverage (Another $250 a month) comes out to $28,800. Who the fuck has 28,800 dollars to throw around?!?! Get me a job where you're working!!!

I've saved well over $20,000 by going the Doomcifer route. Ken, this 2k is the equivalent of what most assholes spend in 3 months time on a fully loaded extended penis. Fuck this shit. The most I'll ever spend on a car is 10k. The most I would ever be willing to finance is 5k. This is the law of economics broheims, do not let interest on depreciating goods fuck you in the swollen colon (Dazed and Brutal, I do apologize.) As far as the worry of a used car breaking down goes, it's called AAA $70 a year!!!

OWNED! :Smug:
One point to add to Lurch's case is insurance. Let's say you put a new tranny in your car and the next day some asshole totals your ride. You will NEVER recover the cost of that tranny.
However, it all comes down to cost per mile. You can conceivably keep a car running for a ridiculously long time as long as it's not compromised with rust. An typical modern engine will easily get you 200,000 miles before needing an overhaul. An engine replacement averages about $3000. Throw one in and you're good for another 200,000 miles.
The only way to win at the car game is buy a 2-3 year old Japanese sedan (after it's taken it's biggest depreciation hit) and drive it until it's no longer safe due to extreme rust. Your total cost per mile will be in the 5 to 6 cent range. Compare that to people who buy new cars every three years. Their per mile cost is around 40-45 cents.*
Sadly it's a lose-lose situation because we are forced to own cars to begin with. We have to drive to our jobs and our markets....but we only have to do so because the car has done away with walkable communities. The very existence of my car forces me to drive the fucking thing 10 miles to a big-box store to buy paper towels.

*and that's assuming no inflation. Once you own your car, that's it. The guy who keeps buying a new car spends $30,000 on one, $35,000 on the next, $40,000 on the next and on and on. An 8-fold increase in comparative expenditures is conservative in this case. It's surely much more in reality.
as I know many a person who is spending $600-$700 a month to drive around this favela with their heads hung high.

Yeah, that sounds about right. I have one friend who drives an Acura TSX (also known as a Honda Civic with leather seats) and that's what he pays per month. He's maxed out financially in every possible way....but he has boutique jeans and nice watches though! Important!

I have another friend who bought a Camry new in 93 and it's closing in on 350,000 miles, original engine. Judging by her lifestyle, I figure she has several hundred thousand dollars in savings and owns two homes, one of which she rents out.

Which person would you rather be at age 55?
*and that's assuming no inflation. Once you own your car, that's it. The guy who keeps buying a new car spends $30,000 on one, $35,000 on the next, $40,000 on the next and on and on. An 8-fold increase in comparative expenditures is conservative in this case. It's surely much more in reality.

Buying 100 properties in Detroit is a better investment.

A buddy of mine who is on the police force was telling me how last week he pulled up to the projects in North Hills for a domestic disturbance. Mind you, that this apartment is completely paid for by you and I. Well as he drove by the garage of the compound he was baffled to see it littered with Lexus, BMWs, Audis, etc. Yay for Universal Health Care!
Of course, with EMTLA, anyone can walk right into an ER and get treated. The Mexicans do this for stuff like runny nose and flatulence. It's a huge drain on the system. In fact, it's my understanding that illegal immigrants are draining just about every system that exists. But grant them amnesty.

I stopped being surprised years ago. When the projects in prime real estate near downtown Nashville get torn down and renovated so lazy people can have a "safer" place to live and yet my Advanced Practice RN mother-in-law can't afford a house, something is fucked up.
Get this, he was also telling me that he is not permitted to ask a person of suspicious origin if they're a U.S citizen. These God damn illegals are taking over the land in which my ancestors shed blood for!!! Who have they killed to call this soil theirs?!?! Fucking parasites are taking it by playing on our humanitarian emotions.
because this country is run by pussies!
No one has the balls to say, hey illegal mexicans or whatever, get the fuck out!
punish the fuck out of these jackasses hiring these fucks. Punish the moms who cross the border so they can have the kid here.
This country is no more. No one will fix it.