The (Un)official write anything you want page

Derick and I are currently sleeping on a really old King Koil mattress from the 80's :loco: (it belonged to my aunt but was never used much)

Those thick foam mattresses from Ikea seem to be fairly ace though. Not the memory foam kind - just nice, firm, thick foam. My parents have one of which I am jealous. They seem to be very pleased with it.
Noctis Valkyries II - October 4th.


Didn't hear this until now.

Mar. 20, 2008

CANDLEMASS guitarist Mats "Mappe" Björkman has been sentenced to two years in a Swedish prison for grand theft, reports

He was convicted of stealing CDs with a retail value of SEK 3 million (approximately $490,000).

According to prosecutor Mats Jansson, Björkman and and his accomplice Stefan Håkansson skimmed CDs from Entertainment Network Scandinavia AB (ENS), where they both worked at the warehouse. ENS handles product distribution to retail outlets and wholesalers throughout Sweden for the four major labels.

Over a period of several years, Björkman and Håkansson shipped the stolen merchandise to two Stockholm retail outlets who were also allegedly involved in the scheme.

In November 2005, a music company contacted ENS regarding a discrepancy in Björkman's reported sales. ENS investigated the matter and discovered that someone had manipulated the company computer on 301 occasions.

By checking Mats' employee/entry card, ENS determined that the musician's log-in information had been used to access the company's computer system in 279 of these instances.

Mats Björkman denies the allegations and claims that someone else must have used his entry card. But his accomplice Stefan Håkansson has admitted his role in the theft and has implicated his colleague.

The scheme was uncovered after a tip was received that the record stores in Stockholm were selling CDs that were shipped from the Borås-based warehouse for a much lower price than those sold by their competitors.

The information about the weight on orders had been manipulated to conceal how much merchandise had been delivered. A package that according to the computer system contained 8 CDs in reality turned out to include more than 100 CDs plus a few box sets and DVDs.

According to the prosecutor, Björkman was the one that was in contact with the retailers and that received the money for the transactions.

The agreement between Mats and his accomplice was that they were to split the profits — which were estimated to be SEK 1.3 million (approximately $213,000) — equally.

Mats stated in court that he doesn't undertand why Stefan would lie about him being involved in the theft scheme but he thinks it might be because Håkansson was trying to protect other people who might have been responsible for stealing the merchandise.

Before he went to court, Mats told the local paper Borås Tidning, "I'm innocent, no question about it."

During the court proceedings, he continued to deny his involvement in the theft while the other man confessed.

Based on the evidence, the court concluded that Håkansson had no reason to lie about Björkman's role in the scheme and determined that prison was the appropriate punishment for both men.

Björkman's accomplice received a sentence of one year and nine months.
Awoke at 3:00 AM this morning to the sound of everything shutting off, then heard the major storm going on outside. Turns out there actually was a tornado in Irving, and an almost-tornado right by my house. Three lightpoles down the street from us fell, and therefore knocked out our power. Twas out all day and not expected to be back on til Saturday. Sooo my parents and I went out and bought a 5700 watt generator. And just as we were about to pull into the driveway, my brother called to inform us that the power was back on :lol:

It's been a long day.
Holy FUCK!

James Fucking Randi will be in London next week, and they are all going to a pub that is near my place and it's open to the public! Fuck yes!
Yeah...but it will be good to have for next time. And it will come in handy for Meat Camp! That way we won't have to be powering everything through the two outlets on the side of the house. :kickass:

In other news I'm about to go to the dog pound, for what seems like the 100th time already. Maybe I'll come home with a dog this time.



Noes! Moar playtime plz :(

The blue heeler just seemed to have an odd personality that wasn't clicking with me. The scruffy terrier that pee'd itself wasn't the one I initially thought it was, and the terrier that I did have in mind turned out to be about 100 times bigger than it looked in it's picture.

So, Rusty it is! A lab will be a good all-around back yard dog :)

Oh, and it turns out that today is National Adopt-A-Black-Dog Day!

I smell like pee. He smells like poo, but I can't bathe him for a couple of days cuz of his new microchip.