The (Un)official write anything you want page

I just mowed grass for the first time since 2004. Goddam I hate cutting grass. There's nothing worse than sweating your ass off and having nothing to show for it.
As soon as I post this, I'm doing a search for condos in downtown. Lawns are gay.
Not to mention the incredibly inefficient combustion engines that are subject to no emissions regulations whatsoever.
Today's my birthday and I just went to a trashy strip club while drunk. AWESOME! Had a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Sam Adams Boston Lager, entire bottle of Jack Daniels, and a ton of other shit and I'm feeling pretty good. HELLZ YEAH
What is google reader? I'm trying to use the computer as little as possible these days but this sounds intriguing.

edit: just looked it up. Wow, that's really lame. Not what I was expecting. It's like a more efficient way to waste as much of your life as possible.
Man, people looking at old neighbors house to purchase. so fucking sick of neighbors... using the "Deathspell Omega blasted out of every speaker I have at extremely unreasonable levels" method to make them turn away. :lol: