The (Un)official write anything you want page

Dyrone just sent me a pm informing me that my racy banter must be stemmed. I honestly don't know what the fuck I said in recent memory to cause such a stir? Fucking liberals, relax.
Dyrone just sent me a pm informing me that my racy banter must be stemmed. I honestly don't know what the fuck I said in recent memory to cause such a stir? Fucking liberals, relax.

Next thing you know, the NAACP is gonna be at your door step... and then soon after your living space will be yet another welfare office in LA.

I hope you're prepared.
Next thing you know, the NAACP is gonna be at your door step... and then soon after your living space will be yet another welfare office in LA.

I hope you're prepared.

The thing is I'm being wrongfully accused. It blows my mind that people are offended by my comments on a METAL mssg board. Especially when I don't recall spitefully ranting towards any sub-specie class in recent memory. The only thing I said that was remotely offensive is the following...

In regards to downloaders...

With all seriousness, these pimple faced motherfuckers need to find employment! Whether it be mowing lawns, giving hand jobs to the elderly, or working in EricT's box factory, show the art some respect by dishing some cash out for the tunes in which you noodle dance to. This epidemic of [removed] isn't too rampant around these interweb parts, but I'll be damn if every pre-pubescent Santa lapper on isn't on Elf Dwarf's blogspot dling the new Eluveitie album so they can sing along come Paganfest time. God damn shit pisses me off more than Cara D's malformed pudenda.

In closing, I demand some NSBM at HC3. If you pussy fucks can't respect the tenets of Nationalism Socialism then take your nihilistic asses on out of here!!! John Goodman has spoken!!!

I see that the word "negardom" was removed. Not only is negar not a legitimized term in the English language, but it isn't even popular slang. Outside of this forum it has never seen the light of the stars. Absolutely mind blowing. I must know who these cunts are so I can elbow them accordingly in an HC mosh. EricT, seek out these faggoths for me my good man, you will be paid in hops. Fucking cunts going to a "Pagan" concert touting political correctness. Grow some fucking sensibility about yourselves and realize that there are people who exist which find those of a burnt integument to be vile wretched malformations of science & nature. Have the courtesy to show as much tolerance to the intolerant as you would the filthy nogoodnik who makes his way through life demanding reparations for an ancestor who lived behind union lines. Have the courtesy to show me the same tolerance that is given towards those who infect our culture with their innate laziness and inclination towards violence. I'm not a violent man, I'm a man of peace and hope. Hope that our children will once again walk along suburban pathways unattended at dusk, without fear of the illegally residing pedophile lurking in the shadows to prey on their pudendas. This is fucking absolute bullshit! We stand at the edge of our existence with black spears of shame being chucked through our spirit, in the absence of union with our brothers who have dropped their privilege of being born to a race that has been a vessel of progress since Adam fornicated with Eve, in favor of the popularized cultural concepts of shame and guilt. Take up your spades and shovel the snow from the groves of where plantations once gloriously sprawled, for your guilt ridden and shame abiding neighbor commands it!!

It wouldn't be surprising to hear that Deron belonged to The Fundamentalist Church of Christ, seeing as how jaded he is to how the cogwheel of this infested society spins. We're running out of time and don't need any incidences like this!!! Uncle Jeromes!

* You can murder a man, but you can not murder an idea!!! :mad:
You wanna hear wrongfully accused?

This guy who posts on another board (Braveboards) was accused of rape by some woman at work who had tried to pursue him and he said no. She took these totally bogus accusations to the police, he lost his job, was criminally charged, and is awaiting trial. Every time he comes up as ready to go to trial, he goes to the station or whatever, they tell him he's been re-bailed and has to come back in another couple months.

That shit is fucked. How can an absolutely non-credible accusation with no evidence or basis in reality other than the fact that he's a he and she's a she, result in this guy's entire life being fucked over?
That kind of shit happens all the time... women can be fucking petty and know they can weasel the system into fucking him over.

To steal from John Lennon and use in an entirely different context than it was meant for: "Woman is the my pals of the world"
You wanna hear wrongfully accused?

This guy who posts on another board (Braveboards) was accused of rape by some woman at work who had tried to pursue him and he said no. She took these totally bogus accusations to the police, he lost his job, was criminally charged, and is awaiting trial. Every time he comes up as ready to go to trial, he goes to the station or whatever, they tell him he's been re-bailed and has to come back in another couple months.

That shit is fucked. How can an absolutely non-credible accusation with no evidence or basis in reality other than the fact that he's a he and she's a she, result in this guy's entire life being fucked over?

Yea, it's even worse that this story seems to happen all the time now. Not as bad but I know a couple of guys myself who were fired from jobs because they refused advances from supervisors/co-workers.
I'm really sorry I asked you to stop making racial remarks, I should have known better :rolleyes: .

So that said, and I'll say it in public since you decided to whine about it in public, stop using racial remarks. I would rather not see it on the site. I know, that's a very hard thing to do, I mean I am SURE you use it in your everyday life out in public, very loud and proud.

Yes that goes for "my pals", "negar" (your code word for "my pals" but spelled different so it isn't searchable), and such. Grow some real balls and have a little class for crying out loud.

That's all I'll ask about this, and don't be surprised if you find yourself without access to the site if you can't refrain from acting with a little decency.
Well, atleast we still have Spook and Jigaboo!

Seriously, whats with the singling out? There are plenty of people on multiple boards who use plenty of racial slurs, and I'm sure they didn't get a PM.
I'm really sorry I asked you to stop making racial remarks, I should have known better :rolleyes: .

So that said, and I'll say it in public since you decided to whine about it in public, stop using racial remarks. I would rather not see it on the site. I know, that's a very hard thing to do, I mean I am SURE you use it in your everyday life out in public, very loud and proud.

Yes that goes for "my pals", "negar" (your code word for "my pals" but spelled different so it isn't searchable), and such. Grow some real balls and have a little class for crying out loud.

That's all I'll ask about this, and don't be surprised if you find yourself without access to the site if you can't refrain from acting with a little decency.

Sir, I recommend you mask such terminology in the same way you have done to the terms "dr*g, ph@rm@ceutic@l, and Oi-l". See, I live in the present, a world which is infiltrated by an insurgency of ebonous malcontents. You my good chap, live in a power metal fantasy enclave where one must show kindness and respect for the lowliest of creatures. Good on you, ignorance is bliss. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't envy your cataratic vision. It would be a blessing to be oblivious towards their repugnant behavior. Oh what a joy that would be!!! Unfortunately this does not hold true to me, so I find it quite disturbing that you're asking me to divorce my beliefs and restrain my opinions for a few sensitive emotypes who offer blind compassion to the aforementioned malcontents who wade through live in a whirlpool of excuses. If anything they are the one's guilty of racism, as they refuse to accept them for what they really are. I on the other hand, give them the respect of not conjuring up pretexts for their regression towards their instinctive primal nature. Please leave me be, I cause no harm to those who listen objectively. :)
You can use all the fancy sentences and dictionary words you like dude, the request stands. If you want a 100% free for all ala Reign in Acai style, please, by all means, start up your own forum and have at it. It's a simple request. If you would like to make something more of it than it is, well...
You can use all the fancy sentences and dictionary words you like dude, the request stands. If you want a 100% free for all ala Reign in Acai style, please, by all means, start up your own forum and have at it. It's a simple request. If you would like to make something more of it than it is, well...

I really would if I knew I had a following. Unfortunately, I have no oompas to my name, so such an idea is not worth entertaining. Perhaps you can go read a few books and pick up some vernacular outside the realm of King St. James and get off my arse?!!? :heh:

Honest to Odin, I have been fairly pleasant when it comes to race relations in the past few months. Would you like for me to remove the emoticon in my signature as well?!?! Perhaps uploading some interracial HD would tickle your fancy?!?! What do you want from me!??! Am I not human? Am I not man!?!? In the words of Rosa Parks, "Leave me be!!!" :mad: