The (Un)official write anything you want page

All I can say about the past three days is, God damn it.

My only consolation is that tomorrow I will be the proud papa of a brand new banjo.
dunno if i could give up drinking at this stage, but with my asthma and the amount of cones i smoke while drinking,if i don't quit both soon,i fear i'm in trouble..of running out of beer and cones
I'm all fucked up. The first month at my present job I worked 7:30am-4pm...which was grand, then for the next 4 months I worked 5pm-1:30am..which sucked

The last 3 weeks I was back on the 7:30am deal....and today I'm starting back at my 5pm shift...WTF

I have not done anything all day today but because of my sleep patterns recently I feel completely drained
I'm all fucked up. The first month at my present job I worked 7:30am-4pm...which was grand, then for the next 4 months I worked 5pm-1:30am..which sucked

The last 3 weeks I was back on the 7:30am deal....and today I'm starting back at my 5pm shift...WTF

I have not done anything all day today but because of my sleep patterns recently I feel completely drained

:Smug: try working 10pm-9am
Having the freedom to start whenever I want kicks ass :kickass:

Lately I've been going for 10am-7pm as opposted to 7am-4pm or whatever...
Lot of days I end up being done really early, at which point I just dissapear
The real what?

Ken, if you quit drinking beer I won't be able to say that I love you anymore.

Cocoa Cola = "The Real Thing" ...The feeling you get with the Coca Cola Classic! You can;t beat it! ...C'maaaan! Damnit. :mad:

Oh, and who are you foolin'? I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, PEOPLE LIKE ME!

I've gotten quite a few haircuts here in Japan over the past year. Up until today, they'd all been at a 1000 yen place. It's very quick, effecient, no frills haircuts like I'm used to. Today, however, I'm in a new town so I just picked a barber shop at random and went on in. It was a tiny fucking place with just one old woman working there. I didn't know what I was in for, nor how much it would cost.

With my limited Japanese I just said something along the lines of "I want it short, please" and off she went. I got a haircut and a full shave. I mean FULL. She shaved my beard, my EARS (inside and outside), my FOREHEAD, and my motherfucking EYELIDS. WTF?

She also plugged in the chair to make it vibrate, gave me a little massage by hand, a further massage with some vibrating massage tool, did some strange thing where she started hitting me in the head (I assume this was also some form of massage), washed my hair, my hands, and then she broke out some ancient Chinese ear cleaner tool and went to work there too. At the end she even styled my hair for a good 5 minutes.

Just when I thought it was all over I was guided to some raised tatami mats and given hot tea. This all ended up costing me around $30. It's the most expensive but also the most thorough haircut experience I've ever had. Interesting.