The (Un)official write anything you want page

So, few weeks ago I really started noticing just how much a week I was spending on fucking energy drinks. Especially noticing this while working much fewer hours a week at the moment. 3-4 of those motherfuckers a day racks up quite a tab, not to mention I couldn't get through a day without them. I'd chase my morning coffee with a red bull for fucks sake. So, I cut em out, and now it seems like I'm drinking 12 cups of coffee a fucking day... Because I fucking am.

Never noticed how dependent on god damn caffeine I am just to operate through the day... granted, the coffee is so much cheaper to do than the redbull/rockstar shit. Shit, now if I could find an alternative to cigarettes that was 1/10th the fucking cost. I was thinking a cigar or two a day, but a decent cigar is the same price as 2 packs of smokes. :lol:
Yeah, coffee is ssssooo good. I never bothered with the energy drinks. I think I need to cut back on the caffeine though. Shit is not good for you.
So, few weeks ago I really started noticing just how much a week I was spending on fucking energy drinks. Especially noticing this while working much fewer hours a week at the moment. 3-4 of those motherfuckers a day racks up quite a tab, not to mention I couldn't get through a day without them. I'd chase my morning coffee with a red bull for fucks sake. So, I cut em out, and now it seems like I'm drinking 12 cups of coffee a fucking day... Because I fucking am.

Never noticed how dependent on god damn caffeine I am just to operate through the day... granted, the coffee is so much cheaper to do than the redbull/rockstar shit. Shit, now if I could find an alternative to cigarettes that was 1/10th the fucking cost. I was thinking a cigar or two a day, but a decent cigar is the same price as 2 packs of smokes. :lol:

try these for smokes ... they rule. 50 in a box and last me a month (assuming I smoke 1-2 a day)

as afar as energy ... nothing like a 99cent bottle of 2 liter Mountain Dew
they're great little smokes that last about 20-30 minutes each ... i buy them all the time. Unfortunatelly only JR has them.
I usually order from Holt's, but lately their selection online is going to shit. And it's getting more expensive.

Granted, it's still cheaper than the Tinder Box, which is the only shop around with decent selection. Last time I went I spent 20 bucks on 1 (seriously, 1) Macanudo Crystal. You can get a box of 8 for about 30-40 online for fucks sake.
love me a nice fat stogie as well, just don't have time to smoke one. don't smoke at home and the quick puff I need is usually on the way home from the office stuck in traffic, when those small Mocambo's will do fine.

once in awhile I get to go with friends and enjoy a smoke with a cognac or whiskey and those times I usually buy some good stuff then and there as they keep'em fresh.

but yeah, online cigar prices are much lower than in a local shop. even JR has two stores around NYC where they sell everything higher than on their website.
love me a nice fat stogie as well, just don't have time to smoke one. don't smoke at home and the quick puff I need is usually on the way home from the office stuck in traffic, when those small Mocambo's will do fine.

once in awhile I get to go with friends and enjoy a smoke with a cognac or whiskey and those times I usually buy some good stuff then and there as they keep'em fresh.

but yeah, online cigar prices are much lower than in a local shop. even JR has two stores around NYC where they sell everything higher than on their website.

How do you store your cigars?
i do have a small humidor at home and even used to keep a slim one in the car glove compartment at one point.

Zod needs to chime in here as he is an expert. Heck, even his new Facebook account just became littered with photos of him smoking all around the world :lol:
Those cigars look ace. I haven't smoked my piper or a cigar since I smuggled cubans back to the US in June :(
You know, I've been listening to Howard Stern for ages, but recently I've found the only reason I still listen is to listen to Sal and Richard's pranks, and listen to Hateman do his thing. It's the only thing really worth it anymore.


I need a new morning show. Fuck Opie and Anthony though... fucking boring.
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haven't heard Howard since he went to Sirius ... but I heard satellite is pretty much done, so he might be back to regular radio.

edit: hearing curse words instead of the beeps makes things < funny
haven't heard Howard since he went to Sirius ... but I heard satellite is pretty much done, so he might be back to regular radio.

edit: hearing curse words instead of the beeps makes things < funny

They started off good on sirius, but then it all started falling apart. The show takes more vacations than they have air days, they haven't done a friday show in about a year, and really outside of the classic wack packers, Sal The Stock Broker, and Richard Christy the show is fucking stale. Artie Lange has really lost everything lately, being the fat fucking heroin addict he is, to the point where he's in and out of fucking rehab and when he's actually in the god damn studio he's either sleeping or trying to take attention away from everyone else by talking about his self-inflicted problems.

Satellites dying, and honestly, I don't see Howard continuing after his contract is up next year. He's mentioned it a couple times that he's most likely done after this stint, and honestly, it's time he went.

For fucks sake though, someone needs to take his place. Bring something fresh into the morning scene. Opie and Anthony sure as fuck not doing it at this point.