The (Un)official write anything you want page

it's a farce. no one except the defendants have any idea of what they are actually talking about, and even if the basis for the trial was valid, the outcome doesn't even matter because when something is technically impossible to stop, and has the support of 90-95% of the population (according to recent polls on the web site of the largest swedish newspaper) a court verdict won't change the fact that it is still going to happen.
Sort of like the whole issue of televising the trial (normally not done to protect the defendant) in the US. Because this would prove the RIAA's entire campaign to be a farce.
Most US news agencys aren't even going to cover any aspect of the trial, which is down right fucking ridiculous considering they'll sure make "RIAA and MPAA sue a 95 year old dead woman for millions of dollars" a national headline...
Someone pulled a gun on my wife last night so she told him to put the gun in her mouth, 'you are a pussy' etc. then punched two dudes.

Abnormal in terms of normal society sure, of but not in terms of niches of music such as Metal, it is a quite common story in fact. I would certainly not blind buy anything after the few horrible experiences I have had doing so.

Games.. well. Many games that come out now are only half-created, are console ports (thereby being anywhere from mediocre to unplayable) or are buggy as fuck. If companies feel this is fair, and that they can charge money for a product they "may" finish 6-12 months down the road, well... expect piracy.

It's also funny when pirated games run better than the originals, due to bogged down copy-write protection.

TV Shows and DVDs are more of a grey area and leads more credence to your arguement Dodens Grav. From my personal experience, it seems most people dabble between legitimate purchases and piracy, and they do not necessarily buy what they have pirated, but pick and choose (and generally already know what they want.)
Fuck being female.

Who wants blood loss and anemia every month?

WUT? Don't be a pussy. It's like, really metal and brutal and fun to play with! :lol:

Sorry everybody :heh:






Take some iron!
your arguement Dodens Grav

I wasn't making an argument, I was stating a fact. If it was the case for the majority of downloaders that they wound up buying more because of it, then the RIAA wouldn't give a fuck, would they?
I start my new temp job tomorrow and got my high school transcript today. I'm gonna work this job for about 5 months, if I can stand it that long (night shift and all), and then start school in the Fall, finally...during which time I'll just work part-time with my mom.

I'm excited to get this five months out of the goddamned way!
I'll be putting on a Metal Lecture at my university for my radio station. Should I find a way to record it?
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Come on now. What kind of jackass has an adult chimp for a pet? I'm scared to have a dog for a pet. I simply can't imagine having something in the house that has fangs AND can use keys to unlock doors

While her friend was being attacked, Herold was unable to pull the primate off. She then called 911 before stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis, who police said had been like a child to Herold

stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis

stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis

Neither fazed Travis
While her friend was being attacked, Herold was unable to pull the primate off. She then called 911 before stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis, who police said had been like a child to Herold

stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis

stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel. Neither fazed Travis

Neither fazed Travis

Worked my first day at the new job, and, I don't think this is gonna work out haha. Everyone I met was rude, the entire place is dirty (not just the hangar, the admin offices as well), they have a rodent problem, the break room looks like a prison lunch room, dirty old men staring at me whenever I leave the office to take a break or go to the bathroom (whom I'll be alone with 2 nights a week once I start working nights). And today they tell me that "oh, by the way, you'll be answering the phone a lot to answer questions about the status of repairs." Twas not part of the job description, and I hate phones!!

The temp agency told me it was a "laid back" atmosphere, but now I see they meant "in squalor."

I guess I'll stay there a little while at least while I keep looking for a better temp job. This place just give me the creeps big time. /endrant
Wow, I Googled images for "dirty old mechanic" and not only got pics of guys who look similar to the ones at my job, but also pics of what they'd like to do to me :zombie: :ill:

Looking back at my day more, I was really treated pretty badly today. Screw it, I'm not going back after tomorrow.