The (Un)official write anything you want page

Actually I find this to be somewhat clever because I am totally amazed/horrified at how many women who I've heard say: "GOSH HE DOESN'T WANT KIDS NOW, WELL I JUST SAY TO HIM I'M ON THE PILL NOW AND THEN WHEN I AM PREGNANT HE WILL LEARN TO ACCEPT IT AND LOVE IT". Not saying women aren't to be trusted, just that... SOME aren't, and you never know which ones. (although most people I know would never ever do such a thing)

Yeah...I never have. Even with my girlfriend now, whom I plan on spending the rest of my life with, is on the pill and I won't, nor would she let me tbh, inject my kids into her.

How big a list are we talking? Enough dudes to fill a van, bus, or 747? And btw, this is how I always picture numbers of sexual partners.

Edit @ Johanna: I wonder if guys ever do anything similar like saying "Oh, don't worry, baby. I have a really low sperm count."

:lol: x 32765432
Actually I find this to be somewhat clever because I am totally amazed/horrified at how many women who I've heard say: "GOSH HE DOESN'T WANT KIDS NOW, WELL I JUST SAY TO HIM I'M ON THE PILL NOW AND THEN WHEN I AM PREGNANT HE WILL LEARN TO ACCEPT IT AND LOVE IT". Not saying women aren't to be trusted, just that... SOME aren't, and you never know which ones. (although most people I know would never ever do such a thing)

see this is why men should get sterilized (clandestinely, of course) so they can have the last laugh

84. På ord av en mö
må ingen man lita,
eller tro på gift kvinnas tal;
ty på rullande hjul
deras hjärta är skapat,
föränderlighet i bröstet inlagd.

just SAYIN