The (Un)official write anything you want page

I wonder how that works...

"Hey, let me take a picture of you. I want to post it on a metal forum."
"No probs."
all you non-FB folk ... check this shit out, super funny, especially if you were ever in sales

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To deter from thoughts of Plastick's Nutsack:


Mahmoud, always the comedian.

Edit: Why won't pictures work? Motherfucker.

hahahaha, thats awesome. But true.

all you non-FB folk ... check this shit out, super funny, especially if you were ever in sales

lol, gonna pass that on to our sales guys.
That sounds like one of the most useless studies of all time. Does Norway hand out research dollars to whoever asks?

*moves to Norway*
there was some some sick tornado event here in the boroughs of NYC this evening. 10 minutes tops but it caused some serious damage. never seen this many downed trees in my life all over cars and houses ... how do I know? because I had to do a detour of detours just to get home and seen it all ... 25 minute commute turned into 3 hours.

you can file all this under "i don't give a shit"
holy shit that damage was definitely a tornado ... just got into the office after taking a walk through my nabe where a lot of the damage happened. you can literally walk the eye of the tornado and see the damage in it's wake. never seen anything like it.
posted some pics on FB
it was like an apartment full of fags.

my new assessment of the damage I have seen around biking for 20 miles today is that it was not a tornado. i don't care what Bryant above says about funneling.
Doesn't look like a tornado in the video. It would have to have been a HUGE tornado to have stayed centered around that apartment for so long, and if you'd really had a monster tornado of that size then there would be a lot more evidence of it (footage, pictures, radar, etc). To me it just looks like a hell of a storm :kickass:
i hear you dude ... I know this kind of shit is like daily occurrence for you guys down South.

but yeah, tornado's toss shit all over the place. i didn't see any of that happening. trees were where they were uprooted.