The (Un)official write anything you want page

i got a homepage, ho hum

it looks like shit and is pretty devoid of content so far but this is the beginning of something big, i can feel it!

I like the old newspaper flyer, the rest are nicely executed but predictable for the genre ... hence not going to stick out in a sea of gig flyers when the bands need to promote.

you're welcome :loco:
Allrite so get this:

Iron Maiden plays Ullevi Gothenburg July 1st
Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer play Ullvi Gothenburg July 3rd

Selling the wii for metallica tickets. Anyone wanna buy a nintendo wii? Funny games included.

EDIT: I am 98.2% sure that at least Metallica will disappoint the fuck out of me but not going would be unforgivable (see what I did there)
Also I have no fucking idea how the motherfuck I'm gonna finance this unless someone wants to buy our wii real expensive soon

wtf?!?! how much are tickets for the show? $200-300 bucks?
The following excerpt is from a dirty love letter that James Joyce wrote his wife Nora 99 years ago (Dec 8, 1909).

My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night.

wtf?!?! how much are tickets for the show? $200-300 bucks?

Including the trip to Gothenburg, easily so. Dunno really otherwise and got the Maiden tix already. Keep in mind that we need two tickets!
If we get a free lurch backride to Gothenburg, consider me there for both gigs.

not going to stick out in a sea of gig flyers when the bands need to promote.

We don't really have a sea of metal gig flyers to wade through here so that part isn't an issue
I like the old newspaper flyer, the rest are nicely executed but predictable for the genre ... hence not going to stick out in a sea of gig flyers when the bands need to promote.

you're welcome :loco:

lurch let me tell you the standards are probably lower in umeå when compared to new york city or wherever it is you live

VERY RARELY do i see actual good design anywhere in these parts. i don't think i'm super great but i know i'm fairly competent and know my way around typefaces and colours well enough. i'm confident i'm at the point where i can take paid commissions and not embarass myself completely.

at least i know setting text in impact with bevels is not a viable alternative, you know? look at this shit. this is norrland's biggest metal festival and this is how they choose to present themselves. so yeah, mine have gotten a few positive comments. the red/yellow "mexican" one was especially popular and led a few folks to ask "hey who dun dis?!?" so that's cool i think. it sticks out because other people use msword to set their posters in verdana.

also, it sucks that most of what i have to show right now is gig flyers/posters. i don't intend to do just that, but it just happens to be what i've done lately that i can show. i have some more corporate work that i've done but it's been done at my real job so i cannot really show it as my own.

edit: also the 1930's newspaper one is easily one of the worst, so your taste is bad. the lower two posters are going to go soon, as soon as i have better stuff to fill the page with
löve the two first designs, the red one i'm not too crazy about tbh

anyways i actually just got contacted to do some work for a fairly big advertisement campaign (less design more drawing compared to your stuff) should be a lot of fun, however i need your computer expertize, having some problem with my color setup and it's driving me BAT CRAZY...
the red one was under art direction by jocke so it could have been better maybe but i think the lettering is awesome personally
lurch let me tell you the standards are probably lower in umeå when compared to new york city or wherever it is you live

VERY RARELY do i see actual good design anywhere in these parts. i don't think i'm super great but i know i'm fairly competent and know my way around typefaces and colours well enough. i'm confident i'm at the point where i can take paid commissions and not embarass myself completely.

at least i know setting text in impact with bevels is not a viable alternative, you know? look at this shit. this is norrland's biggest metal festival and this is how they choose to present themselves. so yeah, mine have gotten a few positive comments. the red/yellow "mexican" one was especially popular and led a few folks to ask "hey who dun dis?!?" so that's cool i think. it sticks out because other people use msword to set their posters in verdana.

also, it sucks that most of what i have to show right now is gig flyers/posters. i don't intend to do just that, but it just happens to be what i've done lately that i can show. i have some more corporate work that i've done but it's been done at my real job so i cannot really show it as my own.

hahahah ... reading, reading, reading ... where's the "but"?

edit: also the 1930's newspaper one is easily one of the worst, so your taste is bad. the lower two posters are going to go soon, as soon as i have better stuff to fill the page with

there it is :lol:

I am not saying that the newspaper one is the best, merely that it stands out from the rest.

but yeah I guess a Mexican flyer in Umea could be having the opposite effect than in NYC.
New weedeater > you. I'm glad the ol' clam stays on top of things for me, otherwise I'd never get on track with new releases.

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yeh that hella sucks, just read an article in the paper today about some teen swimmer girl who had a heart attack in the pool, but luckily dude was there to give her cpr and she made it. poor kids with crazy heart-defects :(
We were talking about this kinda thing in my Pediatric Advanced Life Support class the other day....heart defects that have been there since before birth that no one can detect and they keel over after some strenuous exercise at age 17.

Spent my day learning how to terminate fiber optics.
why is it that when the temperature hits 10F over freezing all the college type dudes feel the need to walk around NY of all places in freaking shorts already? ... with freaking sweaters or hoodies ... but shorts.