The (Un)official write anything you want page

Ya that 'Perils of Introspection' hits a note for me. I am ofter asked why I like certain things only to not be able to explain. This is usually met with anger from the second party at me not being able to explain my likes. Now I know why.
I gave up trying to explain why shit rox quite a while ago. Mostly because I don't care if others don't get it, their loss, but also because it's futile trying to put words on feelings like that.
I gave up trying to explain why shit rox quite a while ago. Mostly because I don't care if others don't get it, their loss, but also because it's futile trying to put words on feelings like that.

yeah but it's cool to have scientific basis for saying all music/art/literature critics are full of shit

i guess
not sure if the dude snapped or is the current living embodiment of all things a rock/movie star should be.

the blew 800K recently on 4 cars for his "chicks" :kickass:
i got a homepage, ho hum

it looks like shit and is pretty devoid of content so far but this is the beginning of something big, i can feel it!
Allrite so get this:

Iron Maiden plays Ullevi Gothenburg July 1st
Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer play Ullvi Gothenburg July 3rd

Selling the wii for metallica tickets. Anyone wanna buy a nintendo wii? Funny games included.

EDIT: I am 98.2% sure that at least Metallica will disappoint the fuck out of me but not going would be unforgivable (see what I did there)
Also I have no fucking idea how the motherfuck I'm gonna finance this unless someone wants to buy our wii real expensive soon

stole the pic, taken outside Umeå by someone
i got a homepage, ho hum

it looks like shit and is pretty devoid of content so far but this is the beginning of something big, i can feel it!

I like the old newspaper flyer, the rest are nicely executed but predictable for the genre ... hence not going to stick out in a sea of gig flyers when the bands need to promote.

you're welcome :loco: