The (Un)official write anything you want page


really interesting.
Im not sure how Im supposed to feel about it though. Still living in 1994, Im a little out of touch with reality. Sure, I realize that your average consumer and Apple combined to ruin alot of things, least of which was the music industry, but I can also understand that those same assholes never listened to music in the first place. They're just consumers of whatever theyre told to buy. So they no longer had to buy a $15 album of crap to listen to one "hit" song? I cant say I blame them. Is the death of the music industry going to put the kibosh on actual bands? I dont know. Most of the people I listen to still have day jobs (see Devin Townsend raking leaves out of his truck bed for an example) so I dont think thats going to change.

I went to Best Buy yesterday to listen to some speakers (again) and I paused in the CD aisle to see what was available....and there was nothing. I remember when there were like 12 rows of CDs. Now there's three. I couldn't even find some Metallica discs. That bothered me a bit.

But fuck it. The same people who are "killing" the music industry are the same retards who downloaded ringtones a few years ago. In other words, theyre people who dont really need to exist. Let them kill the industry. Theyll move on to whatever crap comes indie rock. :loco:
dealt with workers belonging to them a lot in my previous jobs.

i have nothing good to say about them.
I never had any respect for unions growing up because in Ohio, all I ever heard were stories of UAW peeps getting paid unholy amounts of money to sit around and read the paper haha
I dont know if that was true or not, of course

Ken has a good point in that the labor environment has changed so much that unions aren't really necessary
Unions had their place and time. Nowadays they should be obsolete with all the crazy labor laws and such. It's just another business making empty promises in the pursuit to make more money.

Furthermore, unions and with their clout and sometimes muscle and unseemly ties to organized crime (I'm not sure if this is as common now as a generation or two ago) bully companies into paying through the nose, which ends up having serious deleterious influences on profits, policy, treatment of non-union employees within the company, etc.
unions these days are bogus. just working in NYC and seeing/hearing what goes down with all of that shit... OI!

unfortunately i live off the grid, working like/with Mexicans. how's that for IRONY
this shit sucks. i paid 1900 dollars for a camera, and it doesn't focus correctly under artificial light. great. so i send it in for repair. find out there's a million instances of people complaining about this on the internet. the repair guy tells me on the phone it is a known issue with all cameras of that model, there is no fix currently, and no one can do anything about it until pentax japan gets their shit together.

woop woop

and i actually have a paid shoot or two coming up (possibly)

how does this even happen: thousands upon thousands of a top of the line dslr leave the factory with KNOWN DEFECTS that render them UNABLE TO FUCKING FOCUS IN A ROOM LIT BY TUNGSTEN OR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING. i mean i seriously do not understand how this is even possible. do they not have indoor lighting in japan?