The (Un)official write anything you want page

this shit sucks. i paid 1900 dollars for a camera, and it doesn't focus correctly under artificial light. great. so i send it in for repair. find out there's a million instances of people complaining about this on the internet. the repair guy tells me on the phone it is a known issue with all cameras of that model, there is no fix currently, and no one can do anything about it until pentax japan gets their shit together.

woop woop

and i actually have a paid shoot or two coming up (possibly)

how does this even happen: thousands upon thousands of a top of the line dslr leave the factory with KNOWN DEFECTS that render them UNABLE TO FUCKING FOCUS IN A ROOM LIT BY TUNGSTEN OR FLUORESCENT LIGHTING. i mean i seriously do not understand how this is even possible. do they not have indoor lighting in japan?
shit is fucked up

I get the impression that more and more hi-tech devices hit the stores with "known defects." I understand the need to cheapen development and component costs (actually not but let's say yeah), but don't they have, like, quality control departments and whatnot
shit is fucked up

I get the impression that more and more hi-tech devices hit the stores with "known defects." I understand the need to cheapen development and component costs (actually not but let's say yeah), but don't they have, like, quality control departments and whatnot

yeah but some suit decided it would be cheaper and more in line with shareholder interest to ship the cameras anyway and pretend like nothing happened and then quietly release a firmware fix several months down the line (possibly???) without ever officially acknowledging there was a problem. i fucking hate big business.

i paid almost two thousand dollars for your little lightproof box here i think i have a right to be able to take some fucking photos

EDIT: icing on the cake:

me: "yeah so you're just going to return my camera without doing anything to it since you have no fix, is that it"
repair guy: "yes but well you can try sending it in again after we've gotten the fix from pentax, if we do"
me: "yeah okay so you're gonna send me some shipping labels or a box or something so i can send it to you for free right"
repair guy: "well actually pentax policy is not paying shipping for this"
me: :OMG:

i'm giving them a month or whatever to sort their shit out on a SERIOUS scale, otherwise i'm going to raise all fucking hell til they cry for mercy, get my money back, and possibly switch system (or at least downgrade to a K-7)
have you ever seen any indoor photos taken in Japan? because I haven't.
even their pornos are badly lit. makes you wonder.
The advent of social networking has sucked a lot of the fun out of the internet(s). It's way too interwoven with our actual real lives nowadays. Actually, one could even argue that social networking is going to bring about a host of interesting psychological developments.
even my coolest of cool friends that swore they WOULD NEVER SIGN UP FOR FB, did.
and they are the biggest whores on it.

the Internet bores me to tears ...
Just made $600 selling a rap beat I made. Not that I like that shit, but he just sent back the final product and I am very impressed! I hope this goes further for me. I'd love to do this often for extra cheddar. It's very mainstream but .....I'm the shit.