The (Un)official write anything you want page

Amon Amarth fucking rule. I was watching their dvd and when Victorious march came on I just couldn't control myself anymore. I just had to stand up from the sofa, move around, headbang and pump my fists.

Best live band ever possibly.
woke up this morning, looked at the clock, "hhunnghghh? izz...only 7:19, ihve plenny time--"**alarm goes off** "FUCK it's monday"

missed the ferry
ipod batteries run out
it's cold and gloomy out
fuck mondays
Good Monday for me. Woke up, went to work, got off work, picked up Vader - "The Ultimate Incantation", now sitting at home relaxing.
hahahahahahah :lol: this is great!

Priestess of Mars by Electric Wizard has to be the best song I've heard since... probably since I heard Weight by Isis for the first time like 2 weeks ago.

Also my email at work is currently POW/MIA. Not sad.