The (Un)official write anything you want page


This is a purty picture

EDIT: fixed?
Dick Sirloin said:
This is a purty picture

1 entry found for purty.pur·ty P Pronunciation Key (pûrt)

adj. Regional

Variant of pretty.

Regional Note: Purty is probably the most common American example of metathesis, a linguistic process in which two adjacent sounds are reversed in order. Metathesis in English often involves the consonant r and a vowel, since the phonetic properties of r are so vowellike. For example, the word third used to be thrid, and bird, brid. By the same process, English pretty often came to be realized as purty in regional speech. Most such words stabilized because of the influence of printing and the resultant standardized spelling, but purty for pretty has survived in regional American dialects.

Fuck this project is nuts... we've had to design, build and implement (fully operational and secure) an entire network in 2 weeks. Including Netware (ugh) for the servers.

And I'm fucking tired, I haven't gotten a full 4 hours of sleep this week!
just when I thought I could not possibly hear anything more gay than Agalloch ... along comes Mammogram ... and this tune Himmelsfursten

what is wrong with you people? :loco: