The (Un)official write anything you want page

When I was briefly a cool college kid I rocked a "messenger bag", which I guess is the same thing. It's what all the cool dudes did!

Yeah, what he said. I keep papers and a computer and other adult shit in it. Are you guys still hanging your car keys off your belt loops with a fake carabiner? :loco:
It's not that simple. When the person youre supposed to spend the REST OF YOUR LIFE with turns out to be..uhm... not so great, things start to look a little bleak.

Yeah, I hear ya. Nothing is that simple. Throw children into the equation and it's just a clusterfuck. I just hope everything works out for the best for you in the end duder.

Not to pry or anything, but how long were you with her before getting hitched? And how has she changed from then? You dont have to answer this if you dont wanna.

Also, I use my pockets and a wallet. <3 cargo shorts.
posted this before but it's so true ...

once married ... the woman wants the man to change but he doesn't ... and the man doesn't want the woman to change but she does.
Makes sense in a fucked up, emotional, relationship type of way. Either you both can grow stronger from this or crumble. We're all human and it's easy to make bad decisions in certain situations. Hopefully she'll understand that and you both can move forward. Whatever the outcome, I hope it's for the best for all involved.
She's not even in TN right now. For an undetermined period of time. I should use this time to buy something really crazy.