Hahaha, she even uses the dorian *stars* whenever she emphasizes something
She *did* steal that from me, actually.
Ok, here's the rest of it. Kinda boring.
As for the rest of your emails....You have the right to presume anything you want about me. I think it's true that many people presume many things about others, it's part of human nature. So, sure, you have the right to presume I'm shameless and impudent (I had to google the exact definition to determine exactly what you were presuming I am). Do I think I'm brazen? I think I can see how you would feel that way, but no, I don't think so.
However, henceforce [sic] I'm through defending myself to you. You can hate me, or resent me. You can think I'm self-pitying and manipulative. You can literally create any image of me that you would desire.
I have one idea for you if you're feeling like you simply can not go on, or if you're feeling like you will never be good again, or if you feel like your life is forever ruined. Re-evaluate what you think about God.
God will not take away consequences, but he can take away you sin.
I don't really know what the rest of that was about, tbh.
I'm really quite angry though. She did the exact same thing I did but is apparently not having to deal with a single consequence and that's mainly because the wife - the person whose life she ruined - is too classy to cause her any trouble. The worst thing is that I defended the chick because the wife kept saying that chick was just laughing at her and that, in her pictures she found of her on the web, she looked like a "smug bitch" and I'd be like, "nah, she's not like that. Her life is probably destroyed too. There's no way she's laughing at you" but seems like she was.