The (Un)official write anything you want page

it's hot as fuck here as well ... tomorrow and the weekend should be even more brutal.

buttsecks indeed.
yeah, tomorrow will be worse here too

spent significant time in the attic the other day and it nearly killed me
not looking forward to even hotter temps up there
so I took my daughter this morning to THIS ... since the sidewalks of NY are melting and figured it would be empty and freezing A/C cold.

it was cold alright but full of kids from day camps all going nuts.

what I noticed and it just dawned on me is that racism is freaking alive and well.

every single camp/group that was there was TOTALLY made up of either ONLY
1. Jewish kids with jewish counselors
2. black kids with black counselors
3. girls only with girl couselors (ALL white)
4. boys only with guy counselors (ALL white)

I want my daughter to join the mixed bag of U.N. kids camp ... where the heck do I sign up? does it even exit?

the kids might not be racist ... but their parents sure are.

didn't even go out today. home with the daughter. (who doesn't want to take her afternoon nap so I can actually do some work)
If I could get away without going outside at all during the summers, I would.

lol @ the naps. BOTH of my little bastards refused naps today

Oh the shower/bath valve body complex thing soldered and installed in spite of both heat and kids....and angry wife
Big hoolabaloo in Norway, bomb went off in/near some government building and some dude (allegedly 32 year old ethnic norwegian, tall+blonde, possibly neo-nazi) killed some people (possibly teenagers) at a political camp thing on an island a few miles away, likely connected events and possible lone fuck the government-nazi bloke.