The (Un)official write anything you want page

It's annoying how everything that actually makes any sense - say, like health care - uses the metric system, and then the rest is in US or whatever the fuck it's supposed to be called.
I'll run dopamine at 3 mcg/kg/min on a patient and then on the way home from work, get a few gallons of gas. Wtf is a gallon? How many tablespoons is that? :lol:
A conversation I had recently went a little like this:

Nipponese) Why don't you use the metric system?
Me) I don't know. We're stubborn I guess.
Nipponese) How many inches are in a foot?
Me) 12.
Nipponese) How many feet are in a mile?
Me) How the fuck should I know?

I'm having an increasing hard time answering things over here. Why is your healthcare system so fucked? Why is the dollar such a pussy? Why don't Americans drive American cars? Why is American diversity supposedly a good thing? I'm becoming increasingly Japanese so I just can't answer this crap anymore.
haha I have no idea either
I know a yard is three feet and that's about it

How many quarts are in a gallon? lol
I've heard the Chinese go apeshit for Buicks

But yeah, people around here line up around the block for crappy Chevys so I'm not sure if those smarty-pants Japanese kids know what they're talking about
yeah of course

the japanese are crazy about buying japanese stuff, i heard samsung had to withdraw their home electronics shit from the japanese market at one point because no one would buy their stuff out of sheer patriotism (it's korean)

or so i've heard
Does it have anything to do with Samsung being superior in every way to Japanese products?

lol @ Jerry
does anyone even really care? isn't every common home electronics brand pretty much exactly the same shit