The (Un)official write anything you want page

Raise your hand if youre listening to death metal, drinking beer, and painting trim on a Monday morning
About to wash dishes mired in crust smeared far ere Autumn loomed. A sink as feculent as Sriracha splattered upon the nether regions of a woman of ill repute. Yesterday my gf gave me a ration of shit for the squalor of this sink and the emanations of abominate that linger in a disposal whose days concluded well before I had a crumb to offer it's maw. Ahhhh what ghastliness lies before me is fitting for campfire tales. Now it's only a question of what album can get me through this trial. Before that selection is made, another odiferous calling awaits, that of a more animalistic nature.

Have fun painting!
Dear Doctor Dorian...

I found out that i have a herniated disc. very painful, as im sure you can imagine. since i can't take opiates, have any advice?

thats pretty bad

on an opethian note i heard a song from ghost reveries the other day (harlequin forest) and i thought it was not too shabby actually, maybe ill buy that album for cheap someday
Dear Doctor Dorian...

I found out that i have a herniated disc. very painful, as im sure you can imagine. since i can't take opiates, have any advice?


oh, that sucks man. I have a back problem, too. Dunno if it's a herniated disc though. I had an xray awhile back and they didn't see anything. Anyway, yeah, mine is killing me...sometimes I can barely walk...I can't imagine how yours feels. anyway, I suppose you could take ibuprofen. I usually take 600 mg.
LMAO...what? Let's add a bleeding ulcer to Max's herniated disc.

Maximus, make sure you stretch out them surrounding muscles and stay well hydrated as well. Also, DO NO stay sedentary. If you can, exercise (nothing crazy; walking is fine).

Seal that ish up with some Sriracha and call me in the morning. I don't know Kenneth, I popped an 800mg tab the other day for some muscle tenderness in my shoulder, didn't do a damn thing for my troubles. Two with some Excedrin, and some added caffeine thrown in to help transport, and you'll be throwing bales of hay 30 yards.