Any of you Conans use chains in any of your lifts? I fucking love using them while squatting/benching/clowning.
I was just discussing this over lunch chow. Some of my friends found some heavy chains laying around so we where going to start introducing some Westside-Barbell style training into our stuff. I don't really need to at all at this time, as I'm still making n00b-gains each workout, but I'm gonna throw them on every once in a while just for varieties sake. Plus, I'm already working on my programming for when I stop making n00b gains on SS and switch over to a more Westside approach (yes, I spend my free time on shit like that, haha, not exactly loads of things to do over here, so I might as well try to become an Uruk-hai), so I'm very interested in chains, bands, etc.
Right now the biggest thing is too not let my ego get in the way of my progression. One day it did and it set me back a lot, so I'd rather add a little bit too little weight on a workout and be able to punch it up next workout, than add to much and set my gains back for a freakin' week or more.
Also, came across this the other day, so random:
Powerlifting shout out to Abbath and Demonaz. Obviously the shirt has nothing too do with the band, so it had to have just been the merch-guy being awesome with his description, haha.
In honor of Abbath and Demonaz."
"Comes in black."