The (Un)official write anything you want page

gene just commited hari kari and also took Trumps ratings down the drain with his firing.

he was qouting The Art of War for the first 2 shows ... for those of you that read it ... was this sone type of "I lost, i must be thrown out" kind of thinking?
@Doomcifer: Yes, I have, it shipped out yesterday so it should be hear soon. Got it off amazon.
So my co-worker is attempting to dick me out of my Fri/Sat days off. He said he and his wife were thinking about turning it in to a lawsuit last year when he lost his days off after coming back from medical leave. Of course he pulled the "race" card.

I'm fucking tiffed! :mad:
Now all future Wolves listens will be tainted by that pompous, pretentious waste of digital ink. Why can't they just make kickass black metal and not fuck it up by trying to pretend that they are somehow above and beyond what they really are: a group of guys putting a wonderful, fresh musical twist on an often cliched genre.
I don't see how that particular diatribe was any more putrid than the rest of the shit that comes out of the genre. Sure, it's self-aggrandizing (what a surprise) and the masturbation theme is kinda wonky. But it's more palatable than most. Ain't much wrong with deep ecology, if you love the woods. Maybe 'feminism' just tickled your funny bone.
what a fucking day. I wake up, the internet stops working for no reason, I rush out the door and only threw on a sweatshirt because it was sunny and its warm (yesterday was 12 fucking degrees!). Miss my train, which leaves me in the "black hole" where for the next 10 minutes theres no trains, and the one that comes next, means I miss the train where I have to change. so I get to work "ontime" (to the second). But we have a meeting right at 9:30. So I'm gonna be late for that by a moment, I rush to grab coffee... the coffee pot is empty.


And now its started to PISS down rain and I've got no jacket. FUCK YOU WORLD!
I don't see how that particular diatribe was any more putrid than the rest of the shit that comes out of the genre. Sure, it's self-aggrandizing (what a surprise) and the masturbation theme is kinda wonky. But it's more palatable than most. Ain't much wrong with deep ecology, if you love the woods. Maybe 'feminism' just tickled your funny bone.

I can't find the direct quote, but didn't Varg mention the decline of the Western World was largely due to the feminist movement that has taken the modern woman out of the home and in to the office? Kind of seems silly that these Wolves in the Romper Room faggoths are championing Varg's music as the embodiment of every thing that is pure with the scene, then touting that the reason why the globe is on a proverbial respirator is due to the suppression and hatred of fem-bots.

Great music, total douchebags. :heh:

btw, back on topic. I decided to put in for a vacant supervisor position, seeing as though I'm being undermined for my off days. Wish me luck. :)
I can't find the direct quote, but didn't Varg mention the decline of the Western World was largely due to the feminist movement that has taken the modern woman out of the home and in to the office? Kind of seems silly that these Wolves in the Romper Room faggoths are championing Varg's music as the embodiment of every thing that is pure with the scene, then touting that the reason why the globe is on a proverbial respirator is due to the suppression and hatred of fem-bots.

Great music, total douchebags. :heh:

btw, back on topic. I decided to put in for a vacant supervisor position, seeing as though I'm being undermined for my off days. Wish me luck. :)

First off, Varg's rants are sometimes interesting and always to be taken with a dumptruck-full of salt. If you want to talk about the decline of the Western world and be taken seriously, I wouldn't cite Varg if I were you.
Second, this is the extent of the Burzum fellatio in the Wolves thing:
We play music that is inspired and informed by the tribal war-spirit found in Burzum...
Our black metal takes the sadness of Burzum as a starting point. Our spirits are birthed anew in darkness. The "Wildman" that is represented by the corpsepainted wraith is best seen as the larvae of a being on the path to redemption. Burzum, then, is the manifestation of the first step towards spiritual growth.
Maybe I've missed something else they've written, but "inspired and informed" and "a starting point" do not equal unconditional worship. I just don't see what's so offensive about this bit of soapboxing from them compared to all the other half-baked ideologies floating around in black metal.
Three references, while no other musical influences were mentioned, sounds like cum dripping fellatio to me.

Varg flip flops more times than Krigloch's balls on Susperia's lids after a lipton style lap dance. Which is the reason why Wolves in the Steam Room should refrain from making a connection to the music which represents his flavor of the week beliefs. Especially when you're touting an eco-feminist agenda, which is in direct contrast to the composer who you're sucking off. It's just fucking silly.

Honestly, did their diatribe have a thesis statement? It was the literary equivalent of Frogger.
Varg flip flops more times than Krigloch's balls on Susperia's lids after a lipton style lap dance. Which is the reason why Wolves in the Steam Room should refrain from making a connection to the music which represents his flavor of the week beliefs.
They sound like two peas in a pod to me.