The Underground Metal Scene?


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
I was just wondering, for people who have an interest in other genres of music, how those genres' undergrounds compare to metal in terms of quality, variety, quantity of releases/bands, fanbase, and whatever else you have to offer. Just wondering...
The only other genre that interests me is ambient noise. I mean the true ambient artists, whose songs consist of drawn out, spacy drones. I'm not sure if there is an underground scene, as the style isn't too popular. Lustmord, Troum, Stars of the Lid, Lull, Biosphere, Eluvium, Robert Rich and Brian Eno(to an extent) are some of my favoured artists.
MetalHeadMarc said:
ambient is the biggest fucking joke man. I can't believe you listen to that.

Eat shit and die! Go listen to some latter-day Ulver and then just fucking die!
MetalHeadMarc said:
ambient is the biggest fucking joke man. I can't believe you listen to that.

HAHA! The only ambient stuff I've listened to so far is Fenriz's Neptune Towers project, and I really like it. How does it compare, in the general sense of the quality of the other ambient bands you guys listen to?
Every genre has a pretty big and varied underground, I've found. No matter which one you look into, except commercial pop obviously, there's always a sizeable faction which hates the mainstream stuff. I used to think metal was alone in that, but the same kind of thing goes on in dance/club music, rap and indie-rock to name but three.

In all honesty, I don't think the metal underground is particularly special. Most people around here see more of the metal underground than any other only because they're in a position to - being subscribed to a metal forum and reading metal websites and metal magazines and fanzines. If you spent a year immersing yourself as fanatically in dance or hip-hop instead - you'd probably get cancer of the ear from all the noise pollution, BUT you'd also find there's much more there than you thought.
the only soulfly song i really like is "bleed" and "head up" with the deftones.

soulfly is one of the most overrated bands ever.
lord667 said:
If you spent a year immersing yourself as fanatically in dance or hip-hop'd also find there's much more there than you thought.

This is what I suspected, but since I'm not really interested in exploring them for myself right about now, I figured I'd just see what others had to contribute. I haven't really got to quite what I was looking for (insight into the variety/complexity/scope of music in these other non-commercial parts of genres), but I can still hope.
I try to look into as much music as I can but it's pretty limited because of my dial up connection. I listen to classical, ambient, electronica, post-rock, indie-rock, funk, blues, jazz other than metal. I listen to bands that most people would not consider an underground part of those genres but I guess if I explored more I'd be getting higher quality bands but I'm pretty pleased with my music collection as such. Though I do think that metal is pretty big in the underground in terms of the amount of artists and releases.