The Universal Chatting -Thread

for those who don't know already, i'm in finland atm (that explains the weather, i brought italian climate with me :p), and tomorrow dot and i are going to the motorshow in helsinki (from tampere, of course).
anyone wants to join us? the invitation also goes to people in helsinki, naturally :grin:
@zeanra: awww... :cry: well, i'm staying until 16.12 but i don't know if i'm coming back to helsinki :( it might be that i'm going to see our dear hearsie playing live, tho :grin:

@lolita: ok, i've found the place but when does the party begin?
Rei, are you going with Dotnoir? :)

This is the schedule and information in Finnish :D

UPDATE 23.11.: Pidennetty häppäri synttäreiden kunniaksi, iso III-stobe 2 € (norm. 3 €) klo 21-24 !!! Myös soittoajat lisätty.

Club Rock Hell 1 v. - megalomaaniset synttäribileet pe 28.11.! Lavalle astelevat seuraavat meganimet:


Keikkapaikkana vanha tuttu viihdekeidas STELLA STAR CLUB, Sturenkatu 27, Vallila

LIPUT 8 € + narikka 1,50 €

Avoinna 21-03, K-18

A-oikeudet, Happy Hour 21-24 0,5 III-tuoppi 2 € (norm. 3 €)
awww... i love teh finnish language: it's sooo easy to understand :hypno:
ok, lucky i have a good (human) translator :lol:
and yep, wherever i'm going i'm usually with dot, unless it's a trip downtown (where town = tampere, of course). i like getting lost and making finns giggle themselves silly when i ask for info in my very very lousy finnish/english combo :lol:

@yetti: yup, i'm a spaghetti eater :p
@nevershine: actually, my written finnish isn't too bad (for my actual level, that is)... i just forget those damn ääääää every now and then :p but you gotta hear me speaking: that's lots of fun, i'm telling you :grin:
Rei Toei said:
@zeanra: awww... :cry: well, i'm staying until 16.12 but i don't know if i'm coming back to helsinki :( it might be that i'm going to see our dear hearsie playing live, tho :grin:
I'm definitely going to Turku, so hopefully we'll meet there :grin: :)

@Hearse: What if I'm not wearing panties? What do I throw then? :p Can I borrow your boxers and throw them?