So Im like 1 hour and 40 min. into FF7
Just beat Airbuster and he blew up and I just woke up at some flowers beside that girld from before. Airbuster started out kinda hard and I thought he would kick my ass to the moon. But then I got Cloud's limit break and it for some reason did 600+ damege and he was doneTifa is a bit behind on te level part but I guess that doesn't matter yet. She kinda sucks anyways (as far as I've seen)
It's is fun and good so I just hope it continious this way!
If there's any help you need mate - locations of items, how to do certain quests, recommended levels etc. - then just ask me.
One word or advice - level up atevery opportunity. Yeah you may not be able to progress for a few hours, but it's worth it for the exp and gil.