The Video Game Thread

The first SSX was pretty good, it was basically CoolBoarders 5.

I'm just binging on my SNK fighters again :lol: Managed to defeat Omegal Rugal on The King of Fighters 2002 on six star difficulty, after dying a few hundred times... spammy git.
Dark Souls is fucking hard....

Aye my mate got that and he played it and I watched for a while.
Seems really cool. I was watching for a couple of hours and he was struggling over the Taurus Demon then did it as soon as I left.
He was playing Wanderer though, personally I would have gone Bandit or Pyromancer I think.
Finally beat that asshole Feral Chaos manikin on Dissidia 012! I'd advance further in the storyline, but the fucking overworld enemies are each at Lv.123 and make Feral Chaos look like a cakewalk. Which he was really, a Lv.100 Gabranth works wonders when you spam stuff.
Playing through Killzone 3. Been busy with school/teaching so i only really game on weekends now. An SSX reboot sounds interesting..I played the shit out of SSX3 and SSX Tricky back when I was in college. Looking forward to the new elder scrolls game. If I don't post for a while after 11/11/11 don't worry too much, it means I am on a Skyrim Binge.:lol:
Aye my mate got that and he played it and I watched for a while.
Seems really cool. I was watching for a couple of hours and he was struggling over the Taurus Demon then did it as soon as I left.
He was playing Wanderer though, personally I would have gone Bandit or Pyromancer I think.

Holy shit me too! That thing pissed me off. I had him down to like one inch of life and he smited me off the bridge. :( I think picking Wanderer was a bad idea....

@Zerostatic - What do you think of Killzone 3? Personally, I hated it and thought that Killzone 2 was way better. 11/11/11 is gonna be the day that I drop off the face of the planet as well. :lol: Can't wait for Skyrim!
Some of these issues with Dissidia012 are ridiculous. Eat shit and die, Square Enix.

- Don't make the camera retarded in small, enclosed arenas to the point where it's impossible to see what's happening.
- Don't give the CPU abonormal priority with their moves.
- On a similar note, don't give the CPU lazy fake difficulty - I understand the need for a challenge, but giving the CPU a spammy AI alongside items and levels that're completely unobtainable by the player is fucking daft.
- Fuck you.
- If you make another Dissidia game, make sure this shit doesn't repeat itself or I might be forced to go to your office and punch every one of your employees in the bladder.
- Fuck you.

Seriously, what the actual fuck. Playing this game is starting to make Contra and Castlevania look like fucking Ape Escape.
X was good, just very linear. X-2 was... well, if it wasn't forthe shockingly awful visual concept and the crappy soundtrack, it'd be a great game in it's own right (the whole Garment Grid thing was a good idea). XI sucked dongs for an MMORPG and XII gets a lot more hate than it deserves, mostly because they drastically altered the gameplay.

Final Fantasy XIII you should just avoid. XIII-2 will be just as shitty, but strangely FF Versus XIII looks absolutely incredible... possibly even good enough for me to consider buying a PS3.
Versus, if it ever comes out, may end up being good, but if it's set in the FFXIII world it'll suck.

Kingdom Hearts 3 please.
Read up on it, Versus XIII is looking nothing short of a surefire epic win. Set in a completely different world to FFXIII too, so no worries there - though why it still has the XIII suffix is a mystery to me. Article here:

As for Kingdom Hearts 3, the upcoming KH game for the Nintendo 3DS is essentially KH3... but they've made it a bit more cutesy than KH2. Riku has shorter hair too, he looks like a fucking pussy compared to his sheer badassery in the last game.
I've been severly out of the gaming since my PS3 died on me. I have finally started playing a game I had laying around on the shelf for more than 6 months time which is "Red Dead Redemption" Western RPG for the Xbox 360.